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Closest Airport to Venice, Italy

Closest Airport to Venice, Italy

Venice Marco Polo at 7.64 km.   See all flights from Venice Marco Polo 814 flights
Jesolo at 22.40 km.   See all flights from Jesolo 0 flights
Venice Treviso at 25.52 km.   See all flights from Venice Treviso 36 flights
Trieste at 98.71 km.   See all flights from Trieste 21 flights
Verona Valerio Catullo at 112.48 km.   See all flights from Verona Valerio Catullo 204 flights
Bologna Guglielmo Marconi at 129.57 km.   See all flights from Bologna Guglielmo Marconi 552 flights
LATAM operates 262 flights in the Venice, Italy area Norwegian operates 213 flights in the Venice, Italy area Vueling operates 184 flights in the Venice, Italy area Flydubai operates 144 flights in the Venice, Italy area Aeromexico operates 139 flights in the Venice, Italy area SmartWings operates 123 flights in the Venice, Italy area

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Cities near Venice, Italy

Arino (distance between Arino and Venice, Italy: 21.27 km) at 21.27 km
Biancade (distance between Biancade and Venice, Italy: 23.48 km) at 23.48 km
Boarie Tessera (distance between Boarie Tessera and Venice, Italy: 7.58 km) at 7.58 km
Bonisiolo (distance between Bonisiolo and Venice, Italy: 16.24 km) at 16.24 km
Burano (distance between Burano and Venice, Italy: 8.61 km) at 8.61 km
Ca Zoia (distance between Ca Zoia and Venice, Italy: 15.24 km) at 15.24 km
Ca' Ballarin (distance between Ca Ballarin and Venice, Italy: 14.98 km) at 14.98 km
Caltana (distance between Caltana and Venice, Italy: 23.62 km) at 23.62 km
Campagna Lupia (distance between Campagna Lupia and Venice, Italy: 20.19 km) at 20.19 km
Campolongo Maggiore (distance between Campolongo Maggiore and Venice, Italy: 25.50 km) at 25.50 km
Camponogara (distance between Camponogara and Venice, Italy: 20.76 km) at 20.76 km
Canizzano (distance between Canizzano and Venice, Italy: 24.58 km) at 24.58 km
Canton (distance between Canton and Venice, Italy: 17.97 km) at 17.97 km
Capo Sile (distance between Capo Sile and Venice, Italy: 23.64 km) at 23.64 km
Casa Giare (distance between Casa Giare and Venice, Italy: 13.77 km) at 13.77 km
Casale Sul Sile (distance between Casale Sul Sile and Venice, Italy: 17.20 km) at 17.20 km
Casier (distance between Casier and Venice, Italy: 22.99 km) at 22.99 km
Casone Figheri (distance between Casone Figheri and Venice, Italy: 17.67 km) at 17.67 km
Cendon (distance between Cendon and Venice, Italy: 22.19 km) at 22.19 km
Chiesa (distance between Chiesa and Venice, Italy: 17.78 km) at 17.78 km
Chioggia (distance between Chioggia and Venice, Italy: 23.89 km) at 23.89 km
Chitarra (distance between Chitarra and Venice, Italy: 15.12 km) at 15.12 km
Codevigo (distance between Codevigo and Venice, Italy: 25.87 km) at 25.87 km
Crea (distance between Crea and Venice, Italy: 15.42 km) at 15.42 km
Dese (distance between Dese and Venice, Italy: 10.50 km) at 10.50 km
Dolo (distance between Dolo and Venice, Italy: 19.89 km) at 19.89 km
Dosson (distance between Dosson and Venice, Italy: 22.59 km) at 22.59 km
Favaro Veneto (distance between Favaro Veneto and Venice, Italy: 7.52 km) at 7.52 km
Fiesso D'artico (distance between Fiesso D artico and Venice, Italy: 23.30 km) at 23.30 km
Fornase (distance between Fornase and Venice, Italy: 13.46 km) at 13.46 km
Fosso (distance between Fosso and Venice, Italy: 22.82 km) at 22.82 km
Fusina (distance between Fusina and Venice, Italy: 6.40 km) at 6.40 km
Giudecca (distance between Giudecca and Venice, Italy: 0.78 km) at 0.78 km
Lanzoni (distance between Lanzoni and Venice, Italy: 19.65 km) at 19.65 km
Lido (distance between Lido and Venice, Italy: 4.67 km) at 4.67 km
Lido Di Iesolo (distance between Lido Di Iesolo and Venice, Italy: 26.12 km) at 26.12 km
Lio Piccolo (distance between Lio Piccolo and Venice, Italy: 13.77 km) at 13.77 km
Lughignano (distance between Lughignano and Venice, Italy: 20.84 km) at 20.84 km
Maerne (distance between Maerne and Venice, Italy: 16.26 km) at 16.26 km
Malcontenta (distance between Malcontenta and Venice, Italy: 9.25 km) at 9.25 km
Malpaga (distance between Malpaga and Venice, Italy: 13.86 km) at 13.86 km
Marcon (distance between Marcon and Venice, Italy: 14.17 km) at 14.17 km
Marghera (distance between Marghera and Venice, Italy: 8.15 km) at 8.15 km
Martellago (distance between Martellago and Venice, Italy: 18.36 km) at 18.36 km
Mazzocco (distance between Mazzocco and Venice, Italy: 13.77 km) at 13.77 km
Meolo (distance between Meolo and Venice, Italy: 22.64 km) at 22.64 km
Mestre (distance between Mestre and Venice, Italy: 8.74 km) at 8.74 km
Mira (distance between Mira and Venice, Italy: 16.20 km) at 16.20 km
Mirano (distance between Mirano and Venice, Italy: 18.41 km) at 18.41 km
Mogliano Veneto (distance between Mogliano Veneto and Venice, Italy: 15.78 km) at 15.78 km
Monastier Di Treviso (distance between Monastier Di Treviso and Venice, Italy: 25.40 km) at 25.40 km
Moranzani (distance between Moranzani and Venice, Italy: 7.32 km) at 7.32 km
Murano (distance between Murano and Venice, Italy: 2.73 km) at 2.73 km
Musile (distance between Musile and Venice, Italy: 26.38 km) at 26.38 km
Musile Di Piave (distance between Musile Di Piave and Venice, Italy: 26.38 km) at 26.38 km
Noale (distance between Noale and Venice, Italy: 23.62 km) at 23.62 km
Oriago (distance between Oriago and Venice, Italy: 14.61 km) at 14.61 km
Pagliaga (distance between Pagliaga and Venice, Italy: 19.26 km) at 19.26 km
Paluello (distance between Paluello and Venice, Italy: 21.78 km) at 21.78 km
Peseggia (distance between Peseggia and Venice, Italy: 17.88 km) at 17.88 km
Pianiga (distance between Pianiga and Venice, Italy: 23.41 km) at 23.41 km
Piazza Mercato (distance between Piazza Mercato and Venice, Italy: 13.81 km) at 13.81 km
Porto Marghera (distance between Porto Marghera and Venice, Italy: 8.15 km) at 8.15 km
Preganziol (distance between Preganziol and Venice, Italy: 19.42 km) at 19.42 km
Prozzolo (distance between Prozzolo and Venice, Italy: 20.31 km) at 20.31 km
Quarto D'altino (distance between Quarto D altino and Venice, Italy: 16.09 km) at 16.09 km
Quattro Fontane (distance between Quattro Fontane and Venice, Italy: 4.60 km) at 4.60 km
Quinto Di Treviso (distance between Quinto Di Treviso and Venice, Italy: 26.44 km) at 26.44 km
Rialto (distance between Rialto and Venice, Italy: 16.84 km) at 16.84 km
Rivale (distance between Rivale and Venice, Italy: 24.38 km) at 24.38 km
Robegano (distance between Robegano and Venice, Italy: 19.90 km) at 19.90 km
Roncade (distance between Roncade and Venice, Italy: 21.62 km) at 21.62 km
Rosara (distance between Rosara and Venice, Italy: 24.16 km) at 24.16 km
Rossignago (distance between Rossignago and Venice, Italy: 15.91 km) at 15.91 km
Salzano (distance between Salzano and Venice, Italy: 19.40 km) at 19.40 km
Sambruson (distance between Sambruson and Venice, Italy: 18.16 km) at 18.16 km
San Pietro Di Stra (distance between San Pietro Di Stra and Venice, Italy: 24.66 km) at 24.66 km
San Trovaso (distance between San Trovaso and Venice, Italy: 22.40 km) at 22.40 km
Sandon (distance between Sandon and Venice, Italy: 24.28 km) at 24.28 km
Santa Maria Di Sala (distance between Santa Maria Di Sala and Venice, Italy: 24.40 km) at 24.40 km
Scaltenigo (distance between Scaltenigo and Venice, Italy: 19.65 km) at 19.65 km
Scandolara (distance between Scandolara and Venice, Italy: 26.56 km) at 26.56 km
Scorze (distance between Scorze and Venice, Italy: 22.84 km) at 22.84 km
Silea (distance between Silea and Venice, Italy: 24.30 km) at 24.30 km
Sottomarina (distance between Sottomarina and Venice, Italy: 25.13 km) at 25.13 km
Spinea (distance between Spinea and Venice, Italy: 14.31 km) at 14.31 km
Stra (distance between Stra and Venice, Italy: 25.24 km) at 25.24 km
Tessera (distance between Tessera and Venice, Italy: 7.58 km) at 7.58 km
Torcello (distance between Torcello and Venice, Italy: 9.60 km) at 9.60 km
Treporti (distance between Treporti and Venice, Italy: 10.68 km) at 10.68 km
Treviso (distance between Treviso and Venice, Italy: 26.17 km) at 26.17 km
Vallio (distance between Vallio and Venice, Italy: 23.18 km) at 23.18 km
Vallonga (distance between Vallonga and Venice, Italy: 26.72 km) at 26.72 km
Veternigo (distance between Veternigo and Venice, Italy: 23.05 km) at 23.05 km
Zelarino (distance between Zelarino and Venice, Italy: 12.49 km) at 12.49 km
Zerman (distance between Zerman and Venice, Italy: 16.32 km) at 16.32 km
Zero Branco (distance between Zero Branco and Venice, Italy: 22.20 km) at 22.20 km

Recommended service providers in Venice, Italy

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Tips for Flying > Buy tickets

Reserved seats?: Lately, some bargain airlines started selling "reserved seats" on the plane. However, the seats are all quite similar and even if you don't reserve a seat when you book your ticket you will still be able to choose your seat when you board the plane or you will be assigned one at the check in desk. So you can easily avoid paying extra money in order to reserve your seat.