Lowcost airline routes: fly cheap from anywhere to everywhere.


LowCostRoutes.com offers the information provided to the public by lowcost airlines.
LowCostRoutes.com provides the list of low-cost routes and is not responsible for the content of the carrier websites or of any other external website. We are updating and verifying the information periodically, but we are not to be held liable for the changes without notice made to any external website. The whole responsibility for all the information/offers/pictures/materials presented on this site lies with their owners.

The Flight Alert (by email or SMS) is a free service and we don't offer any guarantee for it. We try to do our best to inform our subscribers of new flight releases in a timely manner, but we don't guarantee the accuracy of the information or the delivery of the alerts. We can’t compensate our subscribers in any way for not receiving the alerts or for receiving false or incomplete information, so we advice them to continue checking for flight releases the way they did till now (like visiting the airline website at least 1-2 times a week), in order to maximize the chances of finding the desired flights.

Tips for Flying > At the airport

Need more leg room?: Many low cost airlines have a free seating policy, which means that you can choose your seat when you board the plane. The seats situated near the emergency exits have more leg room than the others, so if you are tall or have long legs, you will probably prefer to sit there!