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Closest Airport to Selje, Norway

Closest Airport to Selje, Norway

Hovden at 44.98 km.   See all flights from Hovden 2 flights
Sandane at 55.33 km.   See all flights from Sandane 2 flights
Vigra at 69.01 km.   See all flights from Vigra 124 flights
Bringeland at 76.31 km.   See all flights from Bringeland 2 flights
Aro at 125.92 km.   See all flights from Aro 122 flights
Haukasen at 137.11 km.   See all flights from Haukasen 3 flights
Norwegian operates 208 flights in the Selje, Norway area LATAM operates 30 flights in the Selje, Norway area Wideroe operates 12 flights in the Selje, Norway area Eurowings operates 3 flights in the Selje, Norway area WizzAir operates 1 flights in the Selje, Norway area Eastern Airways operates 1 flights in the Selje, Norway area

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Cities near Selje, Norway

Aalfoten (distance between Aalfoten and Selje, Norway: 29.25 km) at 29.25 km
Barmen (distance between Barmen and Selje, Norway: 6.34 km) at 6.34 km
Berle (distance between Berle and Selje, Norway: 26.91 km) at 26.91 km
Bjorkedal (distance between Bjorkedal and Selje, Norway: 37.68 km) at 37.68 km
Bryggen (distance between Bryggen and Selje, Norway: 13.03 km) at 13.03 km
Bryggja (distance between Bryggja and Selje, Norway: 13.03 km) at 13.03 km
Davik (distance between Davik and Selje, Norway: 20.85 km) at 20.85 km
Deknepollen (distance between Deknepollen and Selje, Norway: 16.54 km) at 16.54 km
Eide (distance between Eide and Selje, Norway: 15.12 km) at 15.12 km
Eidsa (distance between Eidsa and Selje, Norway: 18.22 km) at 18.22 km
Eiksund (distance between Eiksund and Selje, Norway: 38.88 km) at 38.88 km
Fosnavåg (distance between Fosnavag and Selje, Norway: 36.97 km) at 36.97 km
Froya (distance between Froya and Selje, Norway: 39.77 km) at 39.77 km
Haddal (distance between Haddal and Selje, Norway: 38.11 km) at 38.11 km
Hoddevik (distance between Hoddevik and Selje, Norway: 12.07 km) at 12.07 km
Hovdebygda (distance between Hovdebygda and Selje, Norway: 40.27 km) at 40.27 km
Kalvåg (distance between Kalvag and Selje, Norway: 40.08 km) at 40.08 km
Kjode (distance between Kjode and Selje, Norway: 7.17 km) at 7.17 km
Kvalsvik (distance between Kvalsvik and Selje, Norway: 37.11 km) at 37.11 km
Larsnes (distance between Larsnes and Selje, Norway: 22.79 km) at 22.79 km
Lauvstad (distance between Lauvstad and Selje, Norway: 33.16 km) at 33.16 km
Lefdal (distance between Lefdal and Selje, Norway: 15.62 km) at 15.62 km
Leikanger (distance between Leikanger and Selje, Norway: 32.43 km) at 32.43 km
Lovik (distance between Lovik and Selje, Norway: 43.24 km) at 43.24 km
Lovold (distance between Lovold and Selje, Norway: 9.82 km) at 9.82 km
Maurstad (distance between Maurstad and Selje, Norway: 13.96 km) at 13.96 km
Midbo (distance between Midbo and Selje, Norway: 23.22 km) at 23.22 km
Midtbo (distance between Midtbo and Selje, Norway: 43.48 km) at 43.48 km
Måløy (distance between Maloy and Selje, Norway: 17.41 km) at 17.41 km
Norddal (distance between Norddal and Selje, Norway: 25.58 km) at 25.58 km
Nordfjordeid (distance between Nordfjordeid and Selje, Norway: 37.92 km) at 37.92 km
Notset (distance between Notset and Selje, Norway: 33.79 km) at 33.79 km
Nyborg (distance between Nyborg and Selje, Norway: 19.18 km) at 19.18 km
Otnes (distance between Otnes and Selje, Norway: 7.27 km) at 7.27 km
Raudeberg (distance between Raudeberg and Selje, Norway: 13.56 km) at 13.56 km
Ror (distance between Ror and Selje, Norway: 36.96 km) at 36.96 km
Roren (distance between Roren and Selje, Norway: 36.96 km) at 36.96 km
Rovde (distance between Rovde and Selje, Norway: 25.70 km) at 25.70 km
Sandshamn (distance between Sandshamn and Selje, Norway: 23.69 km) at 23.69 km
Storeide (distance between Storeide and Selje, Norway: 15.12 km) at 15.12 km
Svelgen (distance between Svelgen and Selje, Norway: 31.54 km) at 31.54 km
Tjørvåg (distance between Tjorvag and Selje, Norway: 32.34 km) at 32.34 km
Ulstein (distance between Ulstein and Selje, Norway: 44.90 km) at 44.90 km
Ulsteinvik (distance between Ulsteinvik and Selje, Norway: 42.10 km) at 42.10 km
Velsvik (distance between Velsvik and Selje, Norway: 32.52 km) at 32.52 km
Volda (distance between Volda and Selje, Norway: 40.74 km) at 40.74 km
Volden (distance between Volden and Selje, Norway: 40.74 km) at 40.74 km
Vågsøy (distance between Vagsoy and Selje, Norway: 19.93 km) at 19.93 km
Ørsta (distance between Orsta and Selje, Norway: 44.98 km) at 44.98 km

Recommended service providers in Selje, Norway

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

Fly on workdays: As many passengers prefer to fly on week-ends, week-end tickets sell first. If you don't book your trip well in advance (2-3 months beforehand) you may notice, for example, that Thursday flights are cheaper than Sunday flights. Some low cost carriers have special promotions on the flights during the week.