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Closest Airport to Deserto, Italy

Closest Airport to Deserto, Italy

Venice Marco Polo at 45.14 km.   See all flights from Venice Marco Polo 814 flights
Jesolo at 51.38 km.   See all flights from Jesolo 0 flights
Venice Treviso at 60.79 km.   See all flights from Venice Treviso 36 flights
Bologna Guglielmo Marconi at 99.55 km.   See all flights from Bologna Guglielmo Marconi 552 flights
Bologna Forlì at 102.38 km.   See all flights from Bologna Forlì 0 flights
Verona Valerio Catullo at 112.39 km.   See all flights from Verona Valerio Catullo 204 flights
LATAM operates 247 flights in the Deserto, Italy area Norwegian operates 213 flights in the Deserto, Italy area Vueling operates 184 flights in the Deserto, Italy area Flydubai operates 144 flights in the Deserto, Italy area Aeromexico operates 139 flights in the Deserto, Italy area SmartWings operates 123 flights in the Deserto, Italy area

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Cities near Deserto, Italy

Adria (distance between Adria and Deserto, Italy: 16.89 km) at 16.89 km
Anguillara (distance between Anguillara and Deserto, Italy: 29.89 km) at 29.89 km
Anguillara Veneta (distance between Anguillara Veneta and Deserto, Italy: 29.89 km) at 29.89 km
Ariano Ferrarese (distance between Ariano Ferrarese and Deserto, Italy: 21.42 km) at 21.42 km
Ariano Nel Polesine (distance between Ariano Nel Polesine and Deserto, Italy: 20.69 km) at 20.69 km
Arre (distance between Arre and Deserto, Italy: 28.64 km) at 28.64 km
Arzerello (distance between Arzerello and Deserto, Italy: 26.44 km) at 26.44 km
Arzergrande (distance between Arzergrande and Deserto, Italy: 24.67 km) at 24.67 km
Bagnoli Di Sopra (distance between Bagnoli Di Sopra and Deserto, Italy: 30.98 km) at 30.98 km
Barbariga (distance between Barbariga and Deserto, Italy: 31.04 km) at 31.04 km
Bellombra (distance between Bellombra and Deserto, Italy: 20.69 km) at 20.69 km
Berra (distance between Berra and Deserto, Italy: 26.83 km) at 26.83 km
Bo (distance between Bo and Deserto, Italy: 26.17 km) at 26.17 km
Boccasette (distance between Boccasette and Deserto, Italy: 17.28 km) at 17.28 km
Bonelli (distance between Bonelli and Deserto, Italy: 30.39 km) at 30.39 km
Bosco Mesola (distance between Bosco Mesola and Deserto, Italy: 25.49 km) at 25.49 km
Bottrighe (distance between Bottrighe and Deserto, Italy: 16.37 km) at 16.37 km
Bovolenta (distance between Bovolenta and Deserto, Italy: 31.46 km) at 31.46 km
Brugine (distance between Brugine and Deserto, Italy: 29.92 km) at 29.92 km
Ca Bianca (distance between Ca Bianca and Deserto, Italy: 10.74 km) at 10.74 km
Ca Dolfin (distance between Ca Dolfin and Deserto, Italy: 22.75 km) at 22.75 km
Ca Giustinian (distance between Ca Giustinian and Deserto, Italy: 11.20 km) at 11.20 km
Caleri (distance between Caleri and Deserto, Italy: 4.98 km) at 4.98 km
Campagna Lupia (distance between Campagna Lupia and Deserto, Italy: 30.19 km) at 30.19 km
Campagnolo (distance between Campagnolo and Deserto, Italy: 26.72 km) at 26.72 km
Campolongo Maggiore (distance between Campolongo Maggiore and Deserto, Italy: 29.43 km) at 29.43 km
Camponogara (distance between Camponogara and Deserto, Italy: 34.58 km) at 34.58 km
Candiana (distance between Candiana and Deserto, Italy: 25.17 km) at 25.17 km
Cantarana (distance between Cantarana and Deserto, Italy: 16.41 km) at 16.41 km
Cartiera (distance between Cartiera and Deserto, Italy: 32.21 km) at 32.21 km
Casa Bianca (distance between Casa Bianca and Deserto, Italy: 10.74 km) at 10.74 km
Casa Giare (distance between Casa Giare and Deserto, Italy: 29.83 km) at 29.83 km
Casone Figheri (distance between Casone Figheri and Deserto, Italy: 24.91 km) at 24.91 km
Cassella (distance between Cassella and Deserto, Italy: 27.74 km) at 27.74 km
Cavarzere (distance between Cavarzere and Deserto, Italy: 14.56 km) at 14.56 km
Ceregnano (distance between Ceregnano and Deserto, Italy: 31.63 km) at 31.63 km
Chioggia (distance between Chioggia and Deserto, Italy: 13.66 km) at 13.66 km
Cive (distance between Cive and Deserto, Italy: 14.35 km) at 14.35 km
Codevigo (distance between Codevigo and Deserto, Italy: 22.20 km) at 22.20 km
Codigoro (distance between Codigoro and Deserto, Italy: 32.56 km) at 32.56 km
Cologna (distance between Cologna and Deserto, Italy: 33.48 km) at 33.48 km
Cona (distance between Cona and Deserto, Italy: 21.06 km) at 21.06 km
Conselve (distance between Conselve and Deserto, Italy: 34.15 km) at 34.15 km
Contarina (distance between Contarina and Deserto, Italy: 8.91 km) at 8.91 km
Corbola (distance between Corbola and Deserto, Italy: 18.07 km) at 18.07 km
Correzzola (distance between Correzzola and Deserto, Italy: 21.29 km) at 21.29 km
Crespino (distance between Crespino and Deserto, Italy: 32.67 km) at 32.67 km
Donada (distance between Donada and Deserto, Italy: 7.93 km) at 7.93 km
Donzella (distance between Donzella and Deserto, Italy: 19.61 km) at 19.61 km
Fienile Avanzarola (distance between Fienile Avanzarola and Deserto, Italy: 28.05 km) at 28.05 km
Forti (distance between Forti and Deserto, Italy: 29.37 km) at 29.37 km
Fronte (distance between Fronte and Deserto, Italy: 26.03 km) at 26.03 km
Fusina (distance between Fusina and Deserto, Italy: 35.21 km) at 35.21 km
Galvana (distance between Galvana and Deserto, Italy: 22.67 km) at 22.67 km
Gavello (distance between Gavello and Deserto, Italy: 28.83 km) at 28.83 km
Gigliola (distance between Gigliola and Deserto, Italy: 27.41 km) at 27.41 km
Goro (distance between Goro and Deserto, Italy: 28.27 km) at 28.27 km
Il Piano (distance between Il Piano and Deserto, Italy: 14.79 km) at 14.79 km
Isolella (distance between Isolella and Deserto, Italy: 23.15 km) at 23.15 km
Jolanda Di Savoia (distance between Jolanda Di Savoia and Deserto, Italy: 33.83 km) at 33.83 km
Legnaro (distance between Legnaro and Deserto, Italy: 34.41 km) at 34.41 km
Loreo (distance between Loreo and Deserto, Italy: 6.92 km) at 6.92 km
Marin (distance between Marin and Deserto, Italy: 25.05 km) at 25.05 km
Mesola (distance between Mesola and Deserto, Italy: 20.20 km) at 20.20 km
Mezzogoro (distance between Mezzogoro and Deserto, Italy: 25.77 km) at 25.77 km
Pegolotte (distance between Pegolotte and Deserto, Italy: 20.07 km) at 20.07 km
Pellestrina (distance between Pellestrina and Deserto, Italy: 27.89 km) at 27.89 km
Pettorazza (distance between Pettorazza and Deserto, Italy: 22.10 km) at 22.10 km
Pettorazza Grimani (distance between Pettorazza Grimani and Deserto, Italy: 22.10 km) at 22.10 km
Pezzoli (distance between Pezzoli and Deserto, Italy: 27.00 km) at 27.00 km
Piove Di Sacco (distance between Piove Di Sacco and Deserto, Italy: 27.51 km) at 27.51 km
Piovega (distance between Piovega and Deserto, Italy: 31.01 km) at 31.01 km
Pomposa (distance between Pomposa and Deserto, Italy: 30.65 km) at 30.65 km
Pontelongo (distance between Pontelongo and Deserto, Italy: 24.60 km) at 24.60 km
Porto Levante (distance between Porto Levante and Deserto, Italy: 10.38 km) at 10.38 km
Porto Tolle (distance between Porto Tolle and Deserto, Italy: 20.76 km) at 20.76 km
Porto Viro (distance between Porto Viro and Deserto, Italy: 9.99 km) at 9.99 km
Prozzolo (distance between Prozzolo and Deserto, Italy: 32.92 km) at 32.92 km
Quattro Fontane (distance between Quattro Fontane and Deserto, Italy: 34.81 km) at 34.81 km
Riva (distance between Riva and Deserto, Italy: 19.50 km) at 19.50 km
Rosara (distance between Rosara and Deserto, Italy: 23.85 km) at 23.85 km
Rosolina (distance between Rosolina and Deserto, Italy: 3.63 km) at 3.63 km
San Martino Di Venezze (distance between San Martino Di Venezze and Deserto, Italy: 29.89 km) at 29.89 km
Sandon (distance between Sandon and Deserto, Italy: 34.25 km) at 34.25 km
Sant'angelo Di Piove Di Sacco (distance between Sant angelo Di Piove Di Sacco and Deserto, Italy: 33.89 km) at 33.89 km
School (distance between School and Deserto, Italy: 35.31 km) at 35.31 km
Serravalle (distance between Serravalle and Deserto, Italy: 22.52 km) at 22.52 km
Sottomarina (distance between Sottomarina and Deserto, Italy: 12.46 km) at 12.46 km
Taglio (distance between Taglio and Deserto, Italy: 9.99 km) at 9.99 km
Taglio Di Po (distance between Taglio Di Po and Deserto, Italy: 11.98 km) at 11.98 km
Terrassa Padovana (distance between Terrassa Padovana and Deserto, Italy: 32.17 km) at 32.17 km
Tognana (distance between Tognana and Deserto, Italy: 27.41 km) at 27.41 km
Tornova (distance between Tornova and Deserto, Italy: 4.18 km) at 4.18 km
Tre Ponti (distance between Tre Ponti and Deserto, Italy: 16.90 km) at 16.90 km
Vallonga (distance between Vallonga and Deserto, Italy: 23.73 km) at 23.73 km
Villadose (distance between Villadose and Deserto, Italy: 30.03 km) at 30.03 km
Villanova Marchesana (distance between Villanova Marchesana and Deserto, Italy: 26.83 km) at 26.83 km
Volano (distance between Volano and Deserto, Italy: 33.01 km) at 33.01 km
Volla (distance between Volla and Deserto, Italy: 0.82 km) at 0.82 km

Recommended service providers in Deserto, Italy

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

Consider secondary airports: Secondary airports (smaller airports or airports that are further away from the city center) usually have lower airport taxes, which translate into lower ticket prices. When comparing the prices of flights that depart from 2 different airports you need to also take into account the price you pay for transportation to and from the airport (shuttle bus, train ticket, gas, etc).