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Closest Airport to Costa, Italy

Closest Airport to Costa, Italy

Milan Linate at 55.70 km.   See all flights from Milan Linate 34 flights
Parma at 61.42 km.   See all flights from Parma 3 flights
Milan Orio al Serio at 77.80 km.   See all flights from Milan Orio al Serio 180 flights
Verona Brescia at 78.78 km.   See all flights from Verona Brescia 0 flights
Genova (Genoa) at 84.76 km.   See all flights from Genova (Genoa) 89 flights
Milan Malpensa at 96.67 km.   See all flights from Milan Malpensa 1360 flights
Aeromexico operates 445 flights in the Costa, Italy area Vueling operates 169 flights in the Costa, Italy area Norwegian operates 110 flights in the Costa, Italy area LATAM operates 110 flights in the Costa, Italy area Eurowings operates 94 flights in the Costa, Italy area Ryanair operates 93 flights in the Costa, Italy area

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Cities near Costa, Italy

Agazzano (distance between Agazzano and Costa, Italy: 4.54 km) at 4.54 km
Alberone (distance between Alberone and Costa, Italy: 17.15 km) at 17.15 km
Arena Po (distance between Arena Po and Costa, Italy: 19.27 km) at 19.27 km
Badia Pavese (distance between Badia Pavese and Costa, Italy: 15.75 km) at 15.75 km
Baselica (distance between Baselica and Costa, Italy: 6.81 km) at 6.81 km
Bettola (distance between Bettola and Costa, Italy: 22.61 km) at 22.61 km
Bissone (distance between Bissone and Costa, Italy: 19.71 km) at 19.71 km
Borghetto Lodigiano (distance between Borghetto Lodigiano and Costa, Italy: 26.27 km) at 26.27 km
Borgonovo Val Tidone (distance between Borgonovo Val Tidone and Costa, Italy: 9.91 km) at 9.91 km
Brembio (distance between Brembio and Costa, Italy: 26.01 km) at 26.01 km
Broni (distance between Broni and Costa, Italy: 24.14 km) at 24.14 km
Cadeo (distance between Cadeo and Costa, Italy: 22.38 km) at 22.38 km
Calendasco (distance between Calendasco and Costa, Italy: 11.43 km) at 11.43 km
Caminata (distance between Caminata and Costa, Italy: 24.17 km) at 24.17 km
Canavera (distance between Canavera and Costa, Italy: 26.02 km) at 26.02 km
Canneto Pavese (distance between Canneto Pavese and Costa, Italy: 22.26 km) at 22.26 km
Caorso (distance between Caorso and Costa, Italy: 26.00 km) at 26.00 km
Carpaneto (distance between Carpaneto and Costa, Italy: 19.82 km) at 19.82 km
Carpaneto Piacentino (distance between Carpaneto Piacentino and Costa, Italy: 19.82 km) at 19.82 km
Casalpusterlengo (distance between Casalpusterlengo and Costa, Italy: 23.61 km) at 23.61 km
Cascine (distance between Cascine and Costa, Italy: 26.13 km) at 26.13 km
Cassano (distance between Cassano and Costa, Italy: 17.50 km) at 17.50 km
Cassinari (distance between Cassinari and Costa, Italy: 18.59 km) at 18.59 km
Castel San Giovanni (distance between Castel San Giovanni and Costa, Italy: 13.06 km) at 13.06 km
Castelnovo (distance between Castelnovo and Costa, Italy: 9.19 km) at 9.19 km
Cella (distance between Cella and Costa, Italy: 14.00 km) at 14.00 km
Chero (distance between Chero and Costa, Italy: 21.73 km) at 21.73 km
Chiavenna Rocchetta (distance between Chiavenna Rocchetta and Costa, Italy: 25.73 km) at 25.73 km
Chignolo Po (distance between Chignolo Po and Costa, Italy: 19.12 km) at 19.12 km
Codogno (distance between Codogno and Costa, Italy: 21.98 km) at 21.98 km
Corno Giovine (distance between Corno Giovine and Costa, Italy: 22.93 km) at 22.93 km
Corteolona (distance between Corteolona and Costa, Italy: 24.98 km) at 24.98 km
Fabbiano (distance between Fabbiano and Costa, Italy: 11.43 km) at 11.43 km
Ferrari (distance between Ferrari and Costa, Italy: 26.30 km) at 26.30 km
Fombio (distance between Fombio and Costa, Italy: 19.71 km) at 19.71 km
Gobbi (distance between Gobbi and Costa, Italy: 20.46 km) at 20.46 km
Golferenzo (distance between Golferenzo and Costa, Italy: 19.37 km) at 19.37 km
Gossolengo (distance between Gossolengo and Costa, Italy: 5.25 km) at 5.25 km
Graffignana (distance between Graffignana and Costa, Italy: 25.95 km) at 25.95 km
Gragnano Trebbiense (distance between Gragnano Trebbiense and Costa, Italy: 3.94 km) at 3.94 km
Gropparello (distance between Gropparello and Costa, Italy: 23.51 km) at 23.51 km
Guardamiglio (distance between Guardamiglio and Costa, Italy: 15.90 km) at 15.90 km
Il Collegio (distance between Il Collegio and Costa, Italy: 12.31 km) at 12.31 km
Inverno (distance between Inverno and Costa, Italy: 25.83 km) at 25.83 km
Larzano (distance between Larzano and Costa, Italy: 7.53 km) at 7.53 km
Leggio (distance between Leggio and Costa, Italy: 22.41 km) at 22.41 km
Livraga (distance between Livraga and Costa, Italy: 23.26 km) at 23.26 km
Miradolo (distance between Miradolo and Costa, Italy: 22.38 km) at 22.38 km
Miradolo Terme (distance between Miradolo Terme and Costa, Italy: 22.38 km) at 22.38 km
Mista (distance between Mista and Costa, Italy: 24.62 km) at 24.62 km
Montechino (distance between Montechino and Costa, Italy: 22.95 km) at 22.95 km
Montu Beccaria (distance between Montu Beccaria and Costa, Italy: 19.18 km) at 19.18 km
Nibbiano (distance between Nibbiano and Costa, Italy: 20.59 km) at 20.59 km
Orio Litta (distance between Orio Litta and Costa, Italy: 18.55 km) at 18.55 km
Pecorara (distance between Pecorara and Costa, Italy: 17.22 km) at 17.22 km
Perino (distance between Perino and Costa, Italy: 18.96 km) at 18.96 km
Piacenza (distance between Piacenza and Costa, Italy: 9.91 km) at 9.91 km
Pianello Val Tidone (distance between Pianello Val Tidone and Costa, Italy: 12.38 km) at 12.38 km
Piccoli (distance between Piccoli and Costa, Italy: 26.10 km) at 26.10 km
Pieve Dugliara (distance between Pieve Dugliara and Costa, Italy: 8.39 km) at 8.39 km
Pieve Porto Morone (distance between Pieve Porto Morone and Costa, Italy: 17.45 km) at 17.45 km
Piozzano (distance between Piozzano and Costa, Italy: 9.09 km) at 9.09 km
Podenzano (distance between Podenzano and Costa, Italy: 11.13 km) at 11.13 km
Pomaro (distance between Pomaro and Costa, Italy: 9.90 km) at 9.90 km
Ponte Dell'olio (distance between Ponte Dell olio and Costa, Italy: 15.18 km) at 15.18 km
Pontenure (distance between Pontenure and Costa, Italy: 18.37 km) at 18.37 km
Portalbera (distance between Portalbera and Costa, Italy: 21.46 km) at 21.46 km
Rezzano (distance between Rezzano and Costa, Italy: 22.50 km) at 22.50 km
Rivergaro (distance between Rivergaro and Costa, Italy: 8.39 km) at 8.39 km
Romagnese (distance between Romagnese and Costa, Italy: 23.89 km) at 23.89 km
Roncaglia (distance between Roncaglia and Costa, Italy: 21.02 km) at 21.02 km
Roncaglie (distance between Roncaglie and Costa, Italy: 21.02 km) at 21.02 km
Rottofreno (distance between Rottofreno and Costa, Italy: 7.54 km) at 7.54 km
San Colombano Al Lambro (distance between San Colombano Al Lambro and Costa, Italy: 22.87 km) at 22.87 km
San Cristina E Bissone (distance between San Cristina E Bissone and Costa, Italy: 21.98 km) at 21.98 km
San Damiano (distance between San Damiano and Costa, Italy: 13.95 km) at 13.95 km
San Damiano Al Colle (distance between San Damiano Al Colle and Costa, Italy: 16.17 km) at 16.17 km
San Fiorano (distance between San Fiorano and Costa, Italy: 21.90 km) at 21.90 km
San Giorgio Piacentino (distance between San Giorgio Piacentino and Costa, Italy: 14.90 km) at 14.90 km
San Protaso (distance between San Protaso and Costa, Italy: 26.02 km) at 26.02 km
San Zenone Al Po (distance between San Zenone Al Po and Costa, Italy: 20.40 km) at 20.40 km
Sarmato (distance between Sarmato and Costa, Italy: 9.09 km) at 9.09 km
Senna Lodigiana (distance between Senna Lodigiana and Costa, Italy: 16.90 km) at 16.90 km
Settima (distance between Settima and Costa, Italy: 8.09 km) at 8.09 km
Somaglia (distance between Somaglia and Costa, Italy: 20.84 km) at 20.84 km
Spinello (distance between Spinello and Costa, Italy: 20.57 km) at 20.57 km
Stradella (distance between Stradella and Costa, Italy: 22.60 km) at 22.60 km
Travo (distance between Travo and Costa, Italy: 13.04 km) at 13.04 km
Vaccari (distance between Vaccari and Costa, Italy: 14.43 km) at 14.43 km
Vigolo (distance between Vigolo and Costa, Italy: 21.07 km) at 21.07 km
Vigolzone (distance between Vigolzone and Costa, Italy: 11.81 km) at 11.81 km
Villo (distance between Villo and Costa, Italy: 12.17 km) at 12.17 km
Viserano (distance between Viserano and Costa, Italy: 16.75 km) at 16.75 km
Zavattarello (distance between Zavattarello and Costa, Italy: 25.82 km) at 25.82 km
Zena (distance between Zena and Costa, Italy: 20.46 km) at 20.46 km
Zerbo (distance between Zerbo and Costa, Italy: 18.45 km) at 18.45 km
Ziano (distance between Ziano and Costa, Italy: 11.95 km) at 11.95 km
Ziano Piacentino (distance between Ziano Piacentino and Costa, Italy: 11.95 km) at 11.95 km
Zorlesco (distance between Zorlesco and Costa, Italy: 24.71 km) at 24.71 km

Recommended service providers in Costa, Italy

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