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Closest Airport to Portieux, France

Closest Airport to Portieux, France

Mirecourt at 21.08 km.   See all flights from Mirecourt 0 flights
Metz/Nancy TGV at 40.41 km.   See all flights from Metz/Nancy TGV 7 flights
Metz Nancy at 71.27 km.   See all flights from Metz Nancy 42 flights
Strasbourg Entzheim at 97.10 km.   See all flights from Strasbourg Entzheim 192 flights
Strasbourg TGV at 106.00 km.   See all flights from Strasbourg TGV 7 flights
Saarbrücken, Germany at 111.88 km.   See all flights from Saarbrücken 6 flights
LATAM operates 117 flights in the Portieux, France area Hop operates 68 flights in the Portieux, France area Air Caraibes operates 18 flights in the Portieux, France area Air Austral operates 14 flights in the Portieux, France area SunExpress operates 12 flights in the Portieux, France area Volotea operates 8 flights in the Portieux, France area

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Cities near Portieux, France

Ambacourt (distance between Ambacourt and Portieux, France: 15.05 km) at 15.05 km
Avillers (distance between Avillers and Portieux, France: 9.97 km) at 9.97 km
Badménil-aux-bois (distance between Badmenilauxbois and Portieux, France: 13.76 km) at 13.76 km
Bainville-aux-miroirs (distance between Bainville aux miroirs and Portieux, France: 10.86 km) at 10.86 km
Bayecourt (distance between Bayecourt and Portieux, France: 13.70 km) at 13.70 km
Bazoilles (distance between Bazoilles and Portieux, France: 20.09 km) at 20.09 km
Bocquegney (distance between Bocquegney and Portieux, France: 14.12 km) at 14.12 km
Bouxières (distance between Bouxieres and Portieux, France: 9.32 km) at 9.32 km
Bouxieres-aux-bois (distance between Bouxieres aux bois and Portieux, France: 8.93 km) at 8.93 km
Bouzanville (distance between Bouzanville and Portieux, France: 18.26 km) at 18.26 km
Bouzemont (distance between Bouzemont and Portieux, France: 13.42 km) at 13.42 km
Brantigny (distance between Brantigny and Portieux, France: 4.58 km) at 4.58 km
Bult (distance between Bult and Portieux, France: 19.54 km) at 19.54 km
Chamagne (distance between Chamagne and Portieux, France: 9.21 km) at 9.21 km
Chantraine (distance between Chantraine and Portieux, France: 20.40 km) at 20.40 km
Charmes (distance between Charmes and Portieux, France: 5.00 km) at 5.00 km
Chatel-sur-moselle (distance between Chatel sur moselle and Portieux, France: 4.98 km) at 4.98 km
Chaumousey (distance between Chaumousey and Portieux, France: 19.09 km) at 19.09 km
Chavelot (distance between Chavelot and Portieux, France: 14.07 km) at 14.07 km
Damas-et-bettegney (distance between Damas et bettegney and Portieux, France: 16.12 km) at 16.12 km
Darnieulles (distance between Darnieulles and Portieux, France: 16.16 km) at 16.16 km
Deyvillers (distance between Deyvillers and Portieux, France: 20.46 km) at 20.46 km
Diarville (distance between Diarville and Portieux, France: 16.80 km) at 16.80 km
Dogneville (distance between Dogneville and Portieux, France: 16.04 km) at 16.04 km
Domevre-sur-aviere (distance between Domevre sur aviere and Portieux, France: 14.53 km) at 14.53 km
Dompaire (distance between Dompaire and Portieux, France: 17.11 km) at 17.11 km
epinal (distance between epinal and Portieux, France: 19.68 km) at 19.68 km
Essegney (distance between Essegney and Portieux, France: 3.26 km) at 3.26 km
evaux-et-menil (distance between evaux et menil and Portieux, France: 3.54 km) at 3.54 km
Floremont (distance between Floremont and Portieux, France: 7.25 km) at 7.25 km
Fomerey (distance between Fomerey and Portieux, France: 13.85 km) at 13.85 km
Frenelle-la-grande (distance between Frenelle la grande and Portieux, France: 19.21 km) at 19.21 km
Frizon (distance between Frizon and Portieux, France: 7.03 km) at 7.03 km
Froville (distance between Froville and Portieux, France: 13.86 km) at 13.86 km
Gigney (distance between Gigney and Portieux, France: 12.43 km) at 12.43 km
Girancourt (distance between Girancourt and Portieux, France: 20.40 km) at 20.40 km
Gircourt-les-vieville (distance between Gircourt les vieville and Portieux, France: 10.78 km) at 10.78 km
Golbey (distance between Golbey and Portieux, France: 17.82 km) at 17.82 km
Gripport (distance between Gripport and Portieux, France: 10.18 km) at 10.18 km
Gugney (distance between Gugney and Portieux, France: 7.20 km) at 7.20 km
Hadigny-les-verrieres (distance between Hadigny les verrieres and Portieux, France: 9.55 km) at 9.55 km
Hagecourt (distance between Hagecourt and Portieux, France: 19.02 km) at 19.02 km
Haroue (distance between Haroue and Portieux, France: 18.48 km) at 18.48 km
Hennecourt (distance between Hennecourt and Portieux, France: 15.93 km) at 15.93 km
Hergugney (distance between Hergugney and Portieux, France: 11.53 km) at 11.53 km
Housseville (distance between Housseville and Portieux, France: 17.95 km) at 17.95 km
Hymont (distance between Hymont and Portieux, France: 17.35 km) at 17.35 km
Igney (distance between Igney and Portieux, France: 8.80 km) at 8.80 km
Jeuxey (distance between Jeuxey and Portieux, France: 19.13 km) at 19.13 km
Jorxey (distance between Jorxey and Portieux, France: 9.63 km) at 9.63 km
Laneuveville (distance between Laneuveville and Portieux, France: 15.17 km) at 15.17 km
Laneuveville-devant-bayon (distance between Laneuveville devant bayon and Portieux, France: 15.17 km) at 15.17 km
Langley (distance between Langley and Portieux, France: 2.59 km) at 2.59 km
Lebeuville (distance between Lebeuville and Portieux, France: 12.35 km) at 12.35 km
Lemainville (distance between Lemainville and Portieux, France: 20.32 km) at 20.32 km
Lemenil-mitry (distance between Lemenil mitry and Portieux, France: 13.65 km) at 13.65 km
Lorey (distance between Lorey and Portieux, France: 17.35 km) at 17.35 km
Madecourt (distance between Madecourt and Portieux, France: 20.25 km) at 20.25 km
Magnieres (distance between Magnieres and Portieux, France: 19.92 km) at 19.92 km
Mangonville (distance between Mangonville and Portieux, France: 12.57 km) at 12.57 km
Marainville (distance between Marainville and Portieux, France: 14.53 km) at 14.53 km
Mattaincourt (distance between Mattaincourt and Portieux, France: 17.08 km) at 17.08 km
Mazelay (distance between Mazelay and Portieux, France: 10.57 km) at 10.57 km
Méhoncourt (distance between Mehoncourt and Portieux, France: 18.46 km) at 18.46 km
Mirecourt (distance between Mirecourt and Portieux, France: 16.42 km) at 16.42 km
Moriville (distance between Moriville and Portieux, France: 6.42 km) at 6.42 km
Moyemont (distance between Moyemont and Portieux, France: 13.96 km) at 13.96 km
Neuviller-sur-moselle (distance between Neuviller sur moselle and Portieux, France: 16.98 km) at 16.98 km
Nomexy (distance between Nomexy and Portieux, France: 5.14 km) at 5.14 km
Oncourt (distance between Oncourt and Portieux, France: 10.70 km) at 10.70 km
Ormes-et-ville (distance between Ormes et ville and Portieux, France: 18.77 km) at 18.77 km
Ortoncourt (distance between Ortoncourt and Portieux, France: 12.60 km) at 12.60 km
Padoux (distance between Padoux and Portieux, France: 18.22 km) at 18.22 km
Poussay (distance between Poussay and Portieux, France: 17.16 km) at 17.16 km
Puzieux (distance between Puzieux and Portieux, France: 18.33 km) at 18.33 km
Rehaincourt (distance between Rehaincourt and Portieux, France: 9.38 km) at 9.38 km
Remenoville (distance between Remenoville and Portieux, France: 16.33 km) at 16.33 km
Roville (distance between Roville and Portieux, France: 19.36 km) at 19.36 km
Roville-aux-chenes (distance between Roville aux chenes and Portieux, France: 19.72 km) at 19.72 km
Roville-devant-bayon (distance between Roville devant bayon and Portieux, France: 14.08 km) at 14.08 km
Rozelieures (distance between Rozelieures and Portieux, France: 13.49 km) at 13.49 km
Saint-boingt (distance between Saintboingt and Portieux, France: 11.67 km) at 11.67 km
Sanchey (distance between Sanchey and Portieux, France: 18.88 km) at 18.88 km
Séranville (distance between Seranville and Portieux, France: 17.79 km) at 17.79 km
Socourt (distance between Socourt and Portieux, France: 9.32 km) at 9.32 km
Thaon-les-vosges (distance between Thaon les vosges and Portieux, France: 11.81 km) at 11.81 km
Ubexy (distance between Ubexy and Portieux, France: 5.91 km) at 5.91 km
Uxegney (distance between Uxegney and Portieux, France: 16.60 km) at 16.60 km
Vallois (distance between Vallois and Portieux, France: 20.36 km) at 20.36 km
Vaubexy (distance between Vaubexy and Portieux, France: 10.71 km) at 10.71 km
Vaudeville (distance between Vaudeville and Portieux, France: 19.48 km) at 19.48 km
Vaxoncourt (distance between Vaxoncourt and Portieux, France: 8.67 km) at 8.67 km
Villacourt (distance between Villacourt and Portieux, France: 11.73 km) at 11.73 km
Ville-sur-illon (distance between Ville sur illon and Portieux, France: 20.31 km) at 20.31 km
Vincey (distance between Vincey and Portieux, France: 1.27 km) at 1.27 km
Virecourt (distance between Virecourt and Portieux, France: 13.74 km) at 13.74 km
Vomecourt (distance between Vomecourt and Portieux, France: 20.37 km) at 20.37 km
Vroville (distance between Vroville and Portieux, France: 14.84 km) at 14.84 km
Xirocourt (distance between Xirocourt and Portieux, France: 15.91 km) at 15.91 km

Recommended service providers in Portieux, France

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Tips for Flying > At the airport

Need more leg room?: Many low cost airlines have a free seating policy, which means that you can choose your seat when you board the plane. The seats situated near the emergency exits have more leg room than the others, so if you are tall or have long legs, you will probably prefer to sit there!