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Closest Airport to Liao, China

Closest Airport to Liao, China

Fuzhou at 102.07 km.   See all flights from Fuzhou 256 flights
Wenzhou at 162.72 km.   See all flights from Wenzhou 58 flights
Taipei, Taiwan at 200.15 km.   See all flights from Taipei 468 flights
Sung Shan, Taiwan at 221.01 km.   See all flights from Sung Shan 5 flights
Jinjiang at 244.96 km.   See all flights from Jinjiang 65 flights
Fujian Province at 249.74 km.   See all flights from Fujian Province 13 flights
Scoot operates 277 flights in the Liao, China area Xiamen operates 105 flights in the Liao, China area LATAM operates 101 flights in the Liao, China area Flydubai operates 86 flights in the Liao, China area Tiger Airways operates 76 flights in the Liao, China area Cebu Pacific operates 66 flights in the Liao, China area

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Cities near Liao, China

Baisheng (distance between Baisheng and Liao, China: 63.12 km) at 63.12 km
Bantou (distance between Bantou and Liao, China: 66.95 km) at 66.95 km
Biannan (distance between Biannan and Liao, China: 67.47 km) at 67.47 km
Caihong (distance between Caihong and Liao, China: 83.18 km) at 83.18 km
Chengwu (distance between Chengwu and Liao, China: 20.27 km) at 20.27 km
Dasha (distance between Dasha and Liao, China: 31.94 km) at 31.94 km
Dianxia (distance between Dianxia and Liao, China: 66.08 km) at 66.08 km
Dongxi (distance between Dongxi and Liao, China: 68.98 km) at 68.98 km
Duping (distance between Duping and Liao, China: 67.80 km) at 67.80 km
Feishi (distance between Feishi and Liao, China: 73.56 km) at 73.56 km
Fuan (distance between Fuan and Liao, China: 74.66 km) at 74.66 km
Fuchi (distance between Fuchi and Liao, China: 74.03 km) at 74.03 km
Funing (distance between Funing and Liao, China: 35.56 km) at 35.56 km
Fuxi (distance between Fuxi and Liao, China: 74.03 km) at 74.03 km
Fuyao (distance between Fuyao and Liao, China: 72.19 km) at 72.19 km
Hanyang (distance between Hanyang and Liao, China: 74.66 km) at 74.66 km
Heli (distance between Heli and Liao, China: 65.38 km) at 65.38 km
Hengjiang (distance between Hengjiang and Liao, China: 53.46 km) at 53.46 km
Heyu (distance between Heyu and Liao, China: 54.81 km) at 54.81 km
Hongyang (distance between Hongyang and Liao, China: 68.54 km) at 68.54 km
Hualin (distance between Hualin and Liao, China: 74.16 km) at 74.16 km
Hualing (distance between Hualing and Liao, China: 82.09 km) at 82.09 km
Huangqi (distance between Huangqi and Liao, China: 39.61 km) at 39.61 km
Hujiang (distance between Hujiang and Liao, China: 73.41 km) at 73.41 km
Jiangwan (distance between Jiangwan and Liao, China: 37.02 km) at 37.02 km
Jianjiang (distance between Jianjiang and Liao, China: 39.39 km) at 39.39 km
Jiaocheng (distance between Jiaocheng and Liao, China: 62.69 km) at 62.69 km
Jiaoli (distance between Jiaoli and Liao, China: 82.67 km) at 82.67 km
Langchi (distance between Langchi and Liao, China: 79.98 km) at 79.98 km
Lianjiang (distance between Lianjiang and Liao, China: 74.86 km) at 74.86 km
Liwan (distance between Liwan and Liao, China: 71.41 km) at 71.41 km
Longping (distance between Longping and Liao, China: 78.52 km) at 78.52 km
Luwei (distance between Luwei and Liao, China: 76.36 km) at 76.36 km
Matsu, Taiwan (distance between Matsu, Taiwan and Liao, China: 53.07 km) at 53.07 km
Meiyu (distance between Meiyu and Liao, China: 78.29 km) at 78.29 km
Nanao (distance between Nanao and Liao, China: 24.03 km) at 24.03 km
Nanguang (distance between Nanguang and Liao, China: 62.86 km) at 62.86 km
Nanyan (distance between Nanyan and Liao, China: 78.50 km) at 78.50 km
Ningde (distance between Ningde and Liao, China: 62.69 km) at 62.69 km
Panxi (distance between Panxi and Liao, China: 62.94 km) at 62.94 km
Qianyang (distance between Qianyang and Liao, China: 69.74 km) at 69.74 km
Qinyu (distance between Qinyu and Liao, China: 58.14 km) at 58.14 km
Tongshan (distance between Tongshan and Liao, China: 83.09 km) at 83.09 km
Wanwu (distance between Wanwu and Liao, China: 50.42 km) at 50.42 km
Wanyao (distance between Wanyao and Liao, China: 50.67 km) at 50.67 km
Weijia (distance between Weijia and Liao, China: 64.54 km) at 64.54 km
Xiahu (distance between Xiahu and Liao, China: 20.03 km) at 20.03 km
Xuncheng (distance between Xuncheng and Liao, China: 71.77 km) at 71.77 km
Xuyang (distance between Xuyang and Liao, China: 81.29 km) at 81.29 km
Yangping (distance between Yangping and Liao, China: 83.14 km) at 83.14 km
Yanpu (distance between Yanpu and Liao, China: 77.55 km) at 77.55 km
Yantan (distance between Yantan and Liao, China: 72.12 km) at 72.12 km
Yantian (distance between Yantian and Liao, China: 41.13 km) at 41.13 km
Yujing (distance between Yujing and Liao, China: 49.68 km) at 49.68 km
Yuqian (distance between Yuqian and Liao, China: 67.58 km) at 67.58 km
Zhongkui (distance between Zhongkui and Liao, China: 81.65 km) at 81.65 km

Recommended service providers in Liao, China

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

Consider secondary airports: Secondary airports (smaller airports or airports that are further away from the city center) usually have lower airport taxes, which translate into lower ticket prices. When comparing the prices of flights that depart from 2 different airports you need to also take into account the price you pay for transportation to and from the airport (shuttle bus, train ticket, gas, etc).