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Closest Airport to Hof, Germany

Closest Airport to Hof, Germany

Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic at 72.23 km.   See all flights from Karlovy Vary 0 flights
Altenburg Leipzig at 84.90 km.   See all flights from Altenburg Leipzig 0 flights
Erfurt at 100.13 km.   See all flights from Erfurt 17 flights
Nuremberg at 109.11 km.   See all flights from Nuremberg 413 flights
Leipzig at 125.26 km.   See all flights from Leipzig 169 flights
Dresden at 158.86 km.   See all flights from Dresden 331 flights
Aeromexico operates 280 flights in the Hof, Germany area Eurowings operates 261 flights in the Hof, Germany area LATAM operates 84 flights in the Hof, Germany area Aegean Airlines operates 83 flights in the Hof, Germany area Vueling operates 58 flights in the Hof, Germany area Pegasus operates 46 flights in the Hof, Germany area

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Search cheap flights from to Hof, Germany

Cities near Hof, Germany

Adorf (distance between Adorf and Hof, Germany: 24.87 km) at 24.87 km
Alsenberg (distance between Alsenberg and Hof, Germany: 2.20 km) at 2.20 km
Altmannsgrün (distance between Altmannsgrun and Hof, Germany: 23.93 km) at 23.93 km
Arnoldsgrun (distance between Arnoldsgrun and Hof, Germany: 26.53 km) at 26.53 km
As, Czech Republic (distance between As, Czech Republic and Hof, Germany: 22.26 km) at 22.26 km
Bad Elster (distance between Bad Elster and Hof, Germany: 22.81 km) at 22.81 km
Bad Steben (distance between Bad Steben and Hof, Germany: 19.74 km) at 19.74 km
Birkenwald (distance between Birkenwald and Hof, Germany: 23.99 km) at 23.99 km
Birkigt (distance between Birkigt and Hof, Germany: 14.33 km) at 14.33 km
Blankenberg (distance between Blankenberg and Hof, Germany: 16.96 km) at 16.96 km
Blankenstein (distance between Blankenstein and Hof, Germany: 17.96 km) at 17.96 km
Bobenneukirchen (distance between Bobenneukirchen and Hof, Germany: 12.98 km) at 12.98 km
Bosenbrunn (distance between Bosenbrunn and Hof, Germany: 15.98 km) at 15.98 km
Dobeneck (distance between Dobeneck and Hof, Germany: 19.23 km) at 19.23 km
Eichigt (distance between Eichigt and Hof, Germany: 18.14 km) at 18.14 km
Elbersreuth (distance between Elbersreuth and Hof, Germany: 25.98 km) at 25.98 km
Falls (distance between Falls and Hof, Germany: 29.29 km) at 29.29 km
Feilitzsch (distance between Feilitzsch and Hof, Germany: 5.69 km) at 5.69 km
Gattendorf (distance between Gattendorf and Hof, Germany: 7.11 km) at 7.11 km
Gefrees (distance between Gefrees and Hof, Germany: 26.88 km) at 26.88 km
Geroldsgrün (distance between Geroldsgrun and Hof, Germany: 22.58 km) at 22.58 km
Geroldsreuth (distance between Geroldsreuth and Hof, Germany: 22.58 km) at 22.58 km
Gornitz (distance between Gornitz and Hof, Germany: 22.15 km) at 22.15 km
Gossen (distance between Gossen and Hof, Germany: 8.22 km) at 8.22 km
Grafengehaig (distance between Grafengehaig and Hof, Germany: 27.05 km) at 27.05 km
Grafenwarth (distance between Grafenwarth and Hof, Germany: 26.85 km) at 26.85 km
Harra (distance between Harra and Hof, Germany: 19.96 km) at 19.96 km
Hartmannsgrun (distance between Hartmannsgrun and Hof, Germany: 24.94 km) at 24.94 km
Haueisen (distance between Haueisen and Hof, Germany: 14.70 km) at 14.70 km
Helmbrechts (distance between Helmbrechts and Hof, Germany: 17.99 km) at 17.99 km
Hermes (distance between Hermes and Hof, Germany: 29.20 km) at 29.20 km
Hermsgrün (distance between Hermsgrun and Hof, Germany: 26.31 km) at 26.31 km
Hirschberg (distance between Hirschberg and Hof, Germany: 11.68 km) at 11.68 km
Hohehaid (distance between Hohehaid and Hof, Germany: 28.72 km) at 28.72 km
Hundsgrun (distance between Hundsgrun and Hof, Germany: 20.88 km) at 20.88 km
Issigau (distance between Issigau and Hof, Germany: 16.02 km) at 16.02 km
Kautendorf (distance between Kautendorf and Hof, Germany: 6.02 km) at 6.02 km
Kiebling (distance between Kiebling and Hof, Germany: 20.95 km) at 20.95 km
Kirchenlamitz (distance between Kirchenlamitz and Hof, Germany: 18.70 km) at 18.70 km
Kleingornitz (distance between Kleingornitz and Hof, Germany: 25.08 km) at 25.08 km
Leubnitz (distance between Leubnitz and Hof, Germany: 23.75 km) at 23.75 km
Lobenstein (distance between Lobenstein and Hof, Germany: 24.05 km) at 24.05 km
Marieney (distance between Marieney and Hof, Germany: 25.48 km) at 25.48 km
Markneukirchen (distance between Markneukirchen and Hof, Germany: 28.43 km) at 28.43 km
Marktleugast (distance between Marktleugast and Hof, Germany: 25.04 km) at 25.04 km
Marktleuthen (distance between Marktleuthen and Hof, Germany: 21.26 km) at 21.26 km
Mechelgrun (distance between Mechelgrun and Hof, Germany: 29.13 km) at 29.13 km
Mehltheuer (distance between Mehltheuer and Hof, Germany: 27.63 km) at 27.63 km
Mokriny, Czech Republic (distance between Mokriny, Czech Republic and Hof, Germany: 24.99 km) at 24.99 km
Muhltroff (distance between Muhltroff and Hof, Germany: 24.14 km) at 24.14 km
Münchberg (distance between Munchberg and Hof, Germany: 17.55 km) at 17.55 km
Naila (distance between Naila and Hof, Germany: 15.40 km) at 15.40 km
Neuensalz (distance between Neuensalz and Hof, Germany: 29.48 km) at 29.48 km
Neundorf (distance between Neundorf and Hof, Germany: 21.99 km) at 21.99 km
Oberhermsgrun (distance between Oberhermsgrun and Hof, Germany: 19.24 km) at 19.24 km
Oberkotzau (distance between Oberkotzau and Hof, Germany: 5.69 km) at 5.69 km
Oelsnitz (distance between Oelsnitz and Hof, Germany: 20.95 km) at 20.95 km
Plauen (distance between Plauen and Hof, Germany: 25.54 km) at 25.54 km
Presseck (distance between Presseck and Hof, Germany: 27.69 km) at 27.69 km
Regnitzlosau (distance between Regnitzlosau and Hof, Germany: 9.66 km) at 9.66 km
Rehau (distance between Rehau and Hof, Germany: 11.13 km) at 11.13 km
Rodersdorf (distance between Rodersdorf and Hof, Germany: 18.14 km) at 18.14 km
Roppisch (distance between Roppisch and Hof, Germany: 27.74 km) at 27.74 km
Saalburg (distance between Saalburg and Hof, Germany: 24.20 km) at 24.20 km
Schauenstein (distance between Schauenstein and Hof, Germany: 13.09 km) at 13.09 km
Schilbach (distance between Schilbach and Hof, Germany: 28.75 km) at 28.75 km
Schlegelhaid (distance between Schlegelhaid and Hof, Germany: 28.43 km) at 28.43 km
Schwarzenbach (distance between Schwarzenbach and Hof, Germany: 11.19 km) at 11.19 km
Schwarzenbach Am Wald (distance between Schwarzenbach Am Wald and Hof, Germany: 21.65 km) at 21.65 km
Schöneck (distance between Schoneck and Hof, Germany: 29.36 km) at 29.36 km
Schönwald (distance between Schonwald and Hof, Germany: 18.41 km) at 18.41 km
Seibis (distance between Seibis and Hof, Germany: 22.16 km) at 22.16 km
Selb (distance between Selb and Hof, Germany: 22.73 km) at 22.73 km
Selbitz (distance between Selbitz and Hof, Germany: 11.85 km) at 11.85 km
Sorge (distance between Sorge and Hof, Germany: 29.14 km) at 29.14 km
Sparneck (distance between Sparneck and Hof, Germany: 17.72 km) at 17.72 km
Stammbach (distance between Stammbach and Hof, Germany: 24.91 km) at 24.91 km
Steins (distance between Steins and Hof, Germany: 16.45 km) at 16.45 km
Syrau (distance between Syrau and Hof, Germany: 26.85 km) at 26.85 km
Taltitz (distance between Taltitz and Hof, Germany: 20.53 km) at 20.53 km
Tanna (distance between Tanna and Hof, Germany: 20.94 km) at 20.94 km
Tauperlitz (distance between Tauperlitz and Hof, Germany: 3.01 km) at 3.01 km
Theuma (distance between Theuma and Hof, Germany: 27.05 km) at 27.05 km
Thierstein (distance between Thierstein and Hof, Germany: 27.43 km) at 27.43 km
Tirpersdorf (distance between Tirpersdorf and Hof, Germany: 26.98 km) at 26.98 km
Tirschendorf (distance between Tirschendorf and Hof, Germany: 24.32 km) at 24.32 km
Tobertitz (distance between Tobertitz and Hof, Germany: 19.46 km) at 19.46 km
Triebel (distance between Triebel and Hof, Germany: 15.83 km) at 15.83 km
Trogen (distance between Trogen and Hof, Germany: 6.05 km) at 6.05 km
Unterpirk (distance between Unterpirk and Hof, Germany: 28.44 km) at 28.44 km
Voigtsberg (distance between Voigtsberg and Hof, Germany: 21.96 km) at 21.96 km
Weischlitz (distance between Weischlitz and Hof, Germany: 18.26 km) at 18.26 km
Weißdorf (distance between Weibdorf and Hof, Germany: 15.59 km) at 15.59 km
Weißenstadt (distance between Weibenstadt and Hof, Germany: 24.38 km) at 24.38 km
Wiedersberg (distance between Wiedersberg and Hof, Germany: 8.12 km) at 8.12 km
Willitzgrun (distance between Willitzgrun and Hof, Germany: 25.42 km) at 25.42 km
Wohlbach (distance between Wohlbach and Hof, Germany: 28.66 km) at 28.66 km
Zech (distance between Zech and Hof, Germany: 11.84 km) at 11.84 km
Ziegenburg (distance between Ziegenburg and Hof, Germany: 29.26 km) at 29.26 km

Recommended service providers in Hof, Germany

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Tips for Flying > At the airport

Get to the airport earlier: Plan to arrive at the airport at least two hours before your flight is scheduled to depart. Low-cost airlines will not wait for passengers who are late, as regular airlines do. Check-in opens 2 hours before departure and closes strictly 40 minutes before departure.