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Closest Airport to Berstadt, Germany

Closest Airport to Berstadt, Germany

Frankfurt am Main at 50.81 km.   See all flights from Frankfurt am Main 1092 flights
Wiesbaden Army Airfield at 57.17 km.   See all flights from Wiesbaden Army Airfield 0 flights
Kassel-Calden at 114.09 km.   See all flights from Kassel-Calden 6 flights
Frankfurt Hahn at 126.26 km.   See all flights from Frankfurt Hahn 58 flights
Cologne/Bonn at 130.85 km.   See all flights from Cologne/Bonn 258 flights
Paderborn/Lippstadt at 132.60 km.   See all flights from Paderborn/Lippstadt 30 flights
Aeromexico operates 438 flights in the Berstadt, Germany area Eurowings operates 213 flights in the Berstadt, Germany area LATAM operates 159 flights in the Berstadt, Germany area Ryanair operates 70 flights in the Berstadt, Germany area Flydubai operates 67 flights in the Berstadt, Germany area Scoot operates 66 flights in the Berstadt, Germany area

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Cities near Berstadt, Germany

Allertshausen (distance between Allertshausen and Berstadt, Germany: 24.15 km) at 24.15 km
Altenstadt (distance between Altenstadt and Berstadt, Germany: 17.71 km) at 17.71 km
Anspach (distance between Anspach and Berstadt, Germany: 28.94 km) at 28.94 km
Assenheim (distance between Assenheim and Berstadt, Germany: 15.26 km) at 15.26 km
Atzbach (distance between Atzbach and Berstadt, Germany: 26.10 km) at 26.10 km
Bad Homburg (distance between Bad Homburg and Berstadt, Germany: 29.95 km) at 29.95 km
Bad Homburg Vor Der Höhe (distance between Bad Homburg Vor Der Hohe and Berstadt, Germany: 29.95 km) at 29.95 km
Bad Nauheim (distance between Bad Nauheim and Berstadt, Germany: 11.11 km) at 11.11 km
Bad Vilbel (distance between Bad Vilbel and Berstadt, Germany: 29.04 km) at 29.04 km
Bellersheim (distance between Bellersheim and Berstadt, Germany: 3.01 km) at 3.01 km
Beuern (distance between Beuern and Berstadt, Germany: 22.54 km) at 22.54 km
Blofeld (distance between Blofeld and Berstadt, Germany: 8.79 km) at 8.79 km
Bruchköbel (distance between Bruchkobel and Berstadt, Germany: 28.05 km) at 28.05 km
Buches (distance between Buches and Berstadt, Germany: 20.54 km) at 20.54 km
Burgbracht (distance between Burgbracht and Berstadt, Germany: 29.33 km) at 29.33 km
Butzbach (distance between Butzbach and Berstadt, Germany: 13.00 km) at 13.00 km
Büdingen (distance between Budingen and Berstadt, Germany: 23.59 km) at 23.59 km
Dauernheim (distance between Dauernheim and Berstadt, Germany: 9.48 km) at 9.48 km
Dutenhofen (distance between Dutenhofen and Berstadt, Germany: 24.02 km) at 24.02 km
Düdelsheim (distance between Dudelsheim and Berstadt, Germany: 18.97 km) at 18.97 km
Echzell (distance between Echzell and Berstadt, Germany: 4.39 km) at 4.39 km
Espa (distance between Espa and Berstadt, Germany: 20.18 km) at 20.18 km
Fernwald (distance between Fernwald and Berstadt, Germany: 14.27 km) at 14.27 km
Florstadt (distance between Florstadt and Berstadt, Germany: 12.98 km) at 12.98 km
Friedburg (distance between Friedburg and Berstadt, Germany: 11.68 km) at 11.68 km
Friedrichsdorf (distance between Friedrichsdorf and Berstadt, Germany: 24.10 km) at 24.10 km
Garbenteich (distance between Garbenteich and Berstadt, Germany: 13.86 km) at 13.86 km
Gedern (distance between Gedern and Berstadt, Germany: 23.63 km) at 23.63 km
Gelnhaar (distance between Gelnhaar and Berstadt, Germany: 21.42 km) at 21.42 km
Gettenbach (distance between Gettenbach and Berstadt, Germany: 29.50 km) at 29.50 km
Gießen (distance between Gieben and Berstadt, Germany: 22.67 km) at 22.67 km
Glauburg (distance between Glauburg and Berstadt, Germany: 16.06 km) at 16.06 km
Grünberg (distance between Grunberg and Berstadt, Germany: 19.47 km) at 19.47 km
Grävenwiesbach (distance between Gravenwiesbach and Berstadt, Germany: 29.78 km) at 29.78 km
Hainchen (distance between Hainchen and Berstadt, Germany: 20.82 km) at 20.82 km
Hammersbach (distance between Hammersbach and Berstadt, Germany: 25.49 km) at 25.49 km
Heuchelheim (distance between Heuchelheim and Berstadt, Germany: 23.49 km) at 23.49 km
Hirzenhain (distance between Hirzenhain and Berstadt, Germany: 19.27 km) at 19.27 km
Hungen (distance between Hungen and Berstadt, Germany: 4.40 km) at 4.40 km
Ilbenstadt (distance between Ilbenstadt and Berstadt, Germany: 17.35 km) at 17.35 km
Karben (distance between Karben and Berstadt, Germany: 23.75 km) at 23.75 km
Kefenrod (distance between Kefenrod and Berstadt, Germany: 25.40 km) at 25.40 km
Kilianstadten (distance between Kilianstadten and Berstadt, Germany: 25.99 km) at 25.99 km
Kleeberg (distance between Kleeberg and Berstadt, Germany: 21.35 km) at 21.35 km
Koppern (distance between Koppern and Berstadt, Germany: 22.70 km) at 22.70 km
Kraftsolms (distance between Kraftsolms and Berstadt, Germany: 29.60 km) at 29.60 km
Krofdorf-gleiberg (distance between Krofdorf gleiberg and Berstadt, Germany: 26.26 km) at 26.26 km
Kröffelbach (distance between Kroffelbach and Berstadt, Germany: 28.41 km) at 28.41 km
Lahnau (distance between Lahnau and Berstadt, Germany: 27.01 km) at 27.01 km
Langenselbold (distance between Langenselbold and Berstadt, Germany: 30.24 km) at 30.24 km
Langgöns (distance between Langgons and Berstadt, Germany: 17.68 km) at 17.68 km
Langsdorf (distance between Langsdorf and Berstadt, Germany: 7.52 km) at 7.52 km
Laubach (distance between Laubach and Berstadt, Germany: 15.39 km) at 15.39 km
Leihgestern (distance between Leihgestern and Berstadt, Germany: 16.94 km) at 16.94 km
Lich (distance between Lich and Berstadt, Germany: 9.58 km) at 9.58 km
Lollar (distance between Lollar and Berstadt, Germany: 26.85 km) at 26.85 km
Lützellinden (distance between Lutzellinden and Berstadt, Germany: 20.91 km) at 20.91 km
Merlau (distance between Merlau and Berstadt, Germany: 23.57 km) at 23.57 km
Mucke (distance between Mucke and Berstadt, Germany: 25.46 km) at 25.46 km
Münzenberg (distance between Munzenberg and Berstadt, Germany: 6.20 km) at 6.20 km
Neu-anspach (distance between Neu anspach and Berstadt, Germany: 29.09 km) at 29.09 km
Nidda (distance between Nidda and Berstadt, Germany: 9.63 km) at 9.63 km
Niddatal (distance between Niddatal and Berstadt, Germany: 18.69 km) at 18.69 km
Nidderau (distance between Nidderau and Berstadt, Germany: 20.54 km) at 20.54 km
Niederdorfelden (distance between Niederdorfelden and Berstadt, Germany: 26.40 km) at 26.40 km
Niederissigheim (distance between Niederissigheim and Berstadt, Germany: 26.39 km) at 26.39 km
Nonnenroth (distance between Nonnenroth and Berstadt, Germany: 9.58 km) at 9.58 km
Nordeck (distance between Nordeck and Berstadt, Germany: 27.93 km) at 27.93 km
Ober-erlenbach (distance between Obererlenbach and Berstadt, Germany: 25.79 km) at 25.79 km
Ober-mörlen (distance between Ober morlen and Berstadt, Germany: 13.96 km) at 13.96 km
Oppershofen (distance between Oppershofen and Berstadt, Germany: 9.64 km) at 9.64 km
Ortenberg (distance between Ortenberg and Berstadt, Germany: 15.97 km) at 15.97 km
Pohlheim (distance between Pohlheim and Berstadt, Germany: 14.66 km) at 14.66 km
Ransbach (distance between Ransbach and Berstadt, Germany: 23.46 km) at 23.46 km
Ranstadt (distance between Ranstadt and Berstadt, Germany: 12.43 km) at 12.43 km
Rebgeshain (distance between Rebgeshain and Berstadt, Germany: 29.90 km) at 29.90 km
Reinhardshain (distance between Reinhardshain and Berstadt, Germany: 20.55 km) at 20.55 km
Reiskirchen (distance between Reiskirchen and Berstadt, Germany: 18.70 km) at 18.70 km
Rockenberg (distance between Rockenberg and Berstadt, Germany: 9.46 km) at 9.46 km
Rodheim (distance between Rodheim and Berstadt, Germany: 6.19 km) at 6.19 km
Rommelhausen (distance between Rommelhausen and Berstadt, Germany: 19.86 km) at 19.86 km
Salzboden (distance between Salzboden and Berstadt, Germany: 30.70 km) at 30.70 km
Schotten (distance between Schotten and Berstadt, Germany: 20.29 km) at 20.29 km
Schöffengrund (distance between Schoffengrund and Berstadt, Germany: 27.02 km) at 27.02 km
Sellnrod (distance between Sellnrod and Berstadt, Germany: 22.67 km) at 22.67 km
Selters (distance between Selters and Berstadt, Germany: 16.24 km) at 16.24 km
Staufenberg (distance between Staufenberg and Berstadt, Germany: 28.06 km) at 28.06 km
Ulrichstein (distance between Ulrichstein and Berstadt, Germany: 28.90 km) at 28.90 km
Usingen (distance between Usingen and Berstadt, Germany: 26.15 km) at 26.15 km
Vetzberg (distance between Vetzberg and Berstadt, Germany: 28.61 km) at 28.61 km
Villingen (distance between Villingen and Berstadt, Germany: 8.80 km) at 8.80 km
Waldgirmes (distance between Waldgirmes and Berstadt, Germany: 27.95 km) at 27.95 km
Waldsolms (distance between Waldsolms and Berstadt, Germany: 24.89 km) at 24.89 km
Wehrheim (distance between Wehrheim and Berstadt, Germany: 25.96 km) at 25.96 km
Wermertshausen (distance between Wermertshausen and Berstadt, Germany: 29.78 km) at 29.78 km
Wetzlar (distance between Wetzlar and Berstadt, Germany: 29.03 km) at 29.03 km
Wollstadt (distance between Wollstadt and Berstadt, Germany: 18.14 km) at 18.14 km
Wölfersheim (distance between Wolfersheim and Berstadt, Germany: 5.13 km) at 5.13 km
Ziegenberg (distance between Ziegenberg and Berstadt, Germany: 18.14 km) at 18.14 km

Recommended service providers in Berstadt, Germany

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

An indirect flight: If there is no direct flight on your desired route and you have to change planes in order to reach your destination, you should take into account three very important "details".
  • First of all, you will have to buy your flight tickets separately, as if they were for two separate journeys. It may therefore happen that the sum you pay for the two flight tickets, especially if you buy them shortly before your flight date, be almost equal to the price you would pay for a direct flight with a regular line. Check and compare prices well before buying!
  • Moreover, when you arrive at the airport where need to change flights, you must collect your luggage yourself, as if your journey were over. Afterwards, you need to leave the airport security area, check-in for the second flight and go through the security check once again before boarding the second plane. Be extremely careful, as this could sometimes take more than 3 hours!
  • Last but not least, if your first flight is late, the next one will not wait for you, even if it is operated by the same airline. That is due to the policy of low cost companies which states that flights are independent from one another. Low cost airlines are not responsible for your losing the onward flights, no matter what.