Spirit - 在全球1670家廉价航班所处等级3.5级,满分5级

航空公司: Spirit

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Spirit 航空公司
Spirit 航空公司

链接线路代码: 1670


  • Helen 从 纽约 紐約拉瓜迪亞機場 至 底特律 韦恩县
    Despite all the added fees at booking (what's new with low cost airlines?!!) the breakdown shows you exactly what the fees are and they are VERY clear at check-in bag drop and at the gate about extra baggage fees, there could be no complaint about having to pay the $100 at the gate. Both my flights were on time and the staff were very proactive about getting people to the gate on time.

被使用的廉价机场 Spirit

您发现了没有,最好的航班总是无法预定到,因为他们根本就还没有开始售票 ,想知道他们什么时候开始售票,用我们的航班警示工具!

飞行小提示 > 计划您的旅行

工作日出行: 由于许多乘客更愿意周末出行,所以周末门票销售量很大。如果您没有提前很早预定( 比如提前2-3个月)您可能会发现,例如,周四航班比周日航班价格低。一些低成本航空公司有一周之间特殊促销的飞行。