Expect the worse. Deliberately left 30% of the luggage behind in Jeddah because the plane was overweight. No Eid gifts for the family. Part of the luggage arrived in Islamabad after my return and was picked up by my family. Part of my luggage still missing more than 3 weeks after my journey. Customer service unresponsive and has no clue how to deal with the situation. The lower fare definitely not worth the hassle...
Zburati in timpul saptamanii: Majoritatea pasagerilor prefera sa calatoreasca in week/end si de aceea biletele de avion pentru zborurile din week-end se vand primele. Daca nu va cumparati biletul de avion cu mult timp inainte (cu 2-3 luni inainte de data calatoriei), puteti observa ca zborurile de marti, miercuri si joi sunt mai ieftine decat cele de duminca. Unii operatori low-cost au promotii speciale pentru zilele saptamanii.