Monarch - Valutazione utenti: 3.4/5 - offre voli low cost su 208 tratte
Biglietti low cost per volare a basso costo da ovunque.

Opinioni dei viaggiatori

  • маша ha volato da Tel Aviv a Londra Luton
    Очень достойная кампания, с командой высокопрофессиональных пилотов и бортпроводников.
  • Carol Bimson ha volato da Londra Luton a Corfù
    They were absolutely rubbish and I would never knowingly fly with them ever again. Due to issues at Luton our flight back from Corfu was cancelled and there was no one from Monarch to help. The airport staff at Corfu were clueless and it was a massive free for all to try to get flights home. We were given no food or drinks even though we had been held at the airport for over 6 hours. When we eventually got a flight back it was to Gatwick and we were supposed to be picked up by a coach to take us back to Luton. The coach GOT LOST at Gatwick and took another hour or so to get to us. We went to the Monarch desk which was meant to be open at 03:00 but no one was there and no one tried to help either. When we returned home and tried to claim comp they basically told us to go do one!! The worst service I have ever experienced.
  • Steve ha volato da Londra-Gatwick a Preveza
    Outward and inward flights both on time, staff were friendly. Reasonably comfortable seats with adaquate leg room.
  • Paul ha volato da Londra-Gatwick a Málaga
    Prompt flight, not much room though. Staff helpful and friendly
  • Kevin MacDonald ha volato da Londra-Gatwick a Sharm el-Sheikh
    The spacing of the seats was very limited for the flight length 5.5hrs, not comfortable at all. There seemed like more space between rows of seats on an EasyJet flight.

Aeroporti low cost utilizzati da Monarch

Consigli per volare > Prima della partenza

Controlla i ritardi online: Di solito se un volo low cost arriva in ritardo, anche i prossimi voli effettuati dallo stesso aereo subiranno ritardi. Questo succede a causa del fatto che le compagnie low cost preferiscono lasciare poco tempo di attesa tra i voli (dai 25 minuti a 2 ore). Quindi se il volo prima del tuo arriva in ritardo, anche il tuo partirà in ritardo. Puoi controllare l'ora stimata di partenza/arrivo in Internet, sul sito dell'aeroporto oppure su quello della compagnia aerea.