Flybaboo - Valutazione utenti: 4.7/5 - offre voli low cost su 120 tratte
Biglietti low cost per volare a basso costo da ovunque.

Opinioni dei viaggiatori

  • Michael D. ha volato da Londra a Ginevra
    After spending the afternoon in Geneva , I was scheduled to come back the same evening leaving at 18.00 local time, this flight was much more full than the outgoing journey from LCY that morning, i checked in 1 hour before the flight and the joined the fast moving queue once through security.

    Boarding was quick and painless i was shown to my seat with a smile and a bonjour , and once again we took off just a few minutes late . There was a couple behind me who asked if i knew what the situation was with alcohol on the flight , i said there wasn't any as far as i knew, and they seemed dissapointed . the couple in question who were very pleasant , had missed an earlier flight which was Air France , and after having to purchase fresh tickets were put on Baboo , an airline they had never heard of .

    Take off was as rough as in the morning due to heavy cloud and the small size of the plane , Baboo cant be held responsible for the weather though ! Muffins were served once the seatbelt signs were off but the signs were promptly lit up again as we hit a large band of turbulence , The cabin crew remained smiley annd efficient throughout coming back with tray after tray of fresh baked bread , and even Pea and Coriander soup which was delicious.

    Flying in to LCY the views were spectacular , obviously it was dark so to see London all lit up and being able to recognise landmarks was different to the airports like Heathrow and Gatwick, and really gives you a sense of how central LCY is.

    All in all Baboo have to be considered to be fantastic choice on certain routes, they dont have a business class per say, its called Smart baboo and just gives the extra bit of comfort and attentive service. I arrived home 1 hour after landing , and would highly reccomend London based business travellers consider this airport/flight as a viable option.

Aeroporti low cost utilizzati da Flybaboo

Consigli per volare > Comprare i biglietti

Compro online o in una agenzia viaggi?: Certe agenzie di viaggio offrono anche biglietti low cost. Le compagnie aeree low cost, in genere non offrono nessun sconto alle agenzie, quindi il prezzo con quale la agenzia di viaggio compra il biglietto e lo stesso con quale il biglietto può essere acquistato online. A questa cifra, si aggiungono le commissioni del agente, quindi il prezzo in agenzia per i voli economici e in genere maggiore.