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Closest Airport to Fessenheim, France

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Search cheap flights from to Fessenheim, France

Cities near Fessenheim, France

Algolsheim (distance between Algolsheim and Fessenheim, France: 9.46 km) at 9.46 km
Andolsheim (distance between Andolsheim and Fessenheim, France: 18.51 km) at 18.51 km
Appenwihr (distance between Appenwihr and Fessenheim, France: 14.26 km) at 14.26 km
Auggen, Germany (distance between Auggen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 15.28 km) at 15.28 km
Bad Krozingen, Germany (distance between Bad Krozingen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 12.20 km) at 12.20 km
Bad Sulzburg, Germany (distance between Bad Sulzburg, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 19.46 km) at 19.46 km
Badenweiler, Germany (distance between Badenweiler, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 16.35 km) at 16.35 km
Baldersheim (distance between Baldersheim and Fessenheim, France: 17.41 km) at 17.41 km
Balgau (distance between Balgau and Fessenheim, France: 0.29 km) at 0.29 km
Ballrechten, Germany (distance between Ballrechten, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 13.82 km) at 13.82 km
Baltzenheim (distance between Baltzenheim and Fessenheim, France: 18.49 km) at 18.49 km
Bantzenheim (distance between Bantzenheim and Fessenheim, France: 10.35 km) at 10.35 km
Battenheim (distance between Battenheim and Fessenheim, France: 14.81 km) at 14.81 km
Biesheim (distance between Biesheim and Fessenheim, France: 13.79 km) at 13.79 km
Biltzheim (distance between Biltzheim and Fessenheim, France: 12.02 km) at 12.02 km
Bollschweil, Germany (distance between Bollschweil, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 18.37 km) at 18.37 km
Breisach, Germany (distance between Breisach, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 13.29 km) at 13.29 km
Breisach Am Rhein, Germany (distance between Breisach Am Rhein, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 12.64 km) at 12.64 km
Bremgarten, Germany (distance between Bremgarten, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 7.18 km) at 7.18 km
Britzingen, Germany (distance between Britzingen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 14.81 km) at 14.81 km
Buggingen, Germany (distance between Buggingen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 10.65 km) at 10.65 km
Chalampe (distance between Chalampe and Fessenheim, France: 11.25 km) at 11.25 km
Dessenheim (distance between Dessenheim and Fessenheim, France: 6.79 km) at 6.79 km
Durrenentzen (distance between Durrenentzen and Fessenheim, France: 18.67 km) at 18.67 km
Ehrenkirchen, Germany (distance between Ehrenkirchen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 15.89 km) at 15.89 km
Ehrenstetten, Germany (distance between Ehrenstetten, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 16.37 km) at 16.37 km
Ensisheim (distance between Ensisheim and Fessenheim, France: 14.90 km) at 14.90 km
Feldberg, Germany (distance between Feldberg, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 17.80 km) at 17.80 km
Feldkirch (distance between Feldkirch and Fessenheim, France: 20.48 km) at 20.48 km
Feldkirch, Germany (distance between Feldkirch, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 8.61 km) at 8.61 km
Fortschwihr (distance between Fortschwihr and Fessenheim, France: 19.89 km) at 19.89 km
Gundolsheim (distance between Gundolsheim and Fessenheim, France: 18.16 km) at 18.16 km
Gündlingen, Germany (distance between Gundlingen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 13.21 km) at 13.21 km
Hach, Germany (distance between Hach, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 13.89 km) at 13.89 km
Hartheim, Germany (distance between Hartheim, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 7.22 km) at 7.22 km
Heiteren (distance between Heiteren and Fessenheim, France: 5.79 km) at 5.79 km
Heitersheim, Germany (distance between Heitersheim, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 9.94 km) at 9.94 km
Herrlisheim (distance between Herrlisheim and Fessenheim, France: 19.30 km) at 19.30 km
Herrlisheim-pres-colmar (distance between Herrlisheim pres colmar and Fessenheim, France: 19.79 km) at 19.79 km
Hettenschlag (distance between Hettenschlag and Fessenheim, France: 11.42 km) at 11.42 km
Hirtzfelden (distance between Hirtzfelden and Fessenheim, France: 6.78 km) at 6.78 km
Hochstetten, Germany (distance between Hochstetten, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 12.55 km) at 12.55 km
Ihringen, Germany (distance between Ihringen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 16.27 km) at 16.27 km
Kunheim (distance between Kunheim and Fessenheim, France: 17.74 km) at 17.74 km
Logelheim (distance between Logelheim and Fessenheim, France: 14.99 km) at 14.99 km
Merdingen, Germany (distance between Merdingen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 15.92 km) at 15.92 km
Merxheim (distance between Merxheim and Fessenheim, France: 18.29 km) at 18.29 km
Meyenheim (distance between Meyenheim and Fessenheim, France: 13.95 km) at 13.95 km
Munchhausen (distance between Munchhausen and Fessenheim, France: 8.60 km) at 8.60 km
Munchhouse (distance between Munchhouse and Fessenheim, France: 8.60 km) at 8.60 km
Munwiller (distance between Munwiller and Fessenheim, France: 13.95 km) at 13.95 km
Munzingen, Germany (distance between Munzingen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 13.49 km) at 13.49 km
Müllheim, Germany (distance between Mullheim, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 14.91 km) at 14.91 km
Nambsheim (distance between Nambsheim and Fessenheim, France: 0.97 km) at 0.97 km
Neuenburg, Germany (distance between Neuenburg, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 11.74 km) at 11.74 km
Neuenburg Am Rhein, Germany (distance between Neuenburg Am Rhein, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 11.74 km) at 11.74 km
Neuf-brisach (distance between Neuf brisach and Fessenheim, France: 11.50 km) at 11.50 km
Niederentzen (distance between Niederentzen and Fessenheim, France: 12.01 km) at 12.01 km
Niederhergheim (distance between Niederhergheim and Fessenheim, France: 12.83 km) at 12.83 km
Niederweiler, Germany (distance between Niederweiler, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 15.13 km) at 15.13 km
Obereggenen, Germany (distance between Obereggenen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 20.46 km) at 20.46 km
Oberentzen (distance between Oberentzen and Fessenheim, France: 12.06 km) at 12.06 km
Oberhergheim (distance between Oberhergheim and Fessenheim, France: 11.95 km) at 11.95 km
Obersaasheim (distance between Obersaasheim and Fessenheim, France: 7.40 km) at 7.40 km
Offnadingen, Germany (distance between Offnadingen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 13.52 km) at 13.52 km
opfingen, Germany (distance between opfingen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 16.22 km) at 16.22 km
Ottmarsheim (distance between Ottmarsheim and Fessenheim, France: 14.70 km) at 14.70 km
Pfaffenheim (distance between Pfaffenheim and Fessenheim, France: 19.96 km) at 19.96 km
Pulversheim (distance between Pulversheim and Fessenheim, France: 19.56 km) at 19.56 km
Raedersheim (distance between Raedersheim and Fessenheim, France: 19.30 km) at 19.30 km
Reguisheim (distance between Reguisheim and Fessenheim, France: 13.96 km) at 13.96 km
Roggenhouse (distance between Roggenhouse and Fessenheim, France: 6.47 km) at 6.47 km
Rouffach (distance between Rouffach and Fessenheim, France: 18.47 km) at 18.47 km
Ruelisheim (distance between Ruelisheim and Fessenheim, France: 16.91 km) at 16.91 km
Rumersheim (distance between Rumersheim and Fessenheim, France: 7.65 km) at 7.65 km
Rumersheim-le-haut (distance between Rumersheim le haut and Fessenheim, France: 7.45 km) at 7.45 km
Rustenhart (distance between Rustenhart and Fessenheim, France: 6.29 km) at 6.29 km
Sainte-croix-en-plaine (distance between Sainte croix en plaine and Fessenheim, France: 15.27 km) at 15.27 km
Sausheim (distance between Sausheim and Fessenheim, France: 18.84 km) at 18.84 km
Schallstadt, Germany (distance between Schallstadt, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 16.53 km) at 16.53 km
Schliengen, Germany (distance between Schliengen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 18.20 km) at 18.20 km
Staufen, Germany (distance between Staufen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 14.79 km) at 14.79 km
Staufen Im Breisgau, Germany (distance between Staufen Im Breisgau, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 14.79 km) at 14.79 km
Steinenstadt, Germany (distance between Steinenstadt, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 16.80 km) at 16.80 km
Sulzburg, Germany (distance between Sulzburg, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 14.94 km) at 14.94 km
Sundhoffen (distance between Sundhoffen and Fessenheim, France: 16.62 km) at 16.62 km
Tiengen, Germany (distance between Tiengen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 15.14 km) at 15.14 km
Ungersheim (distance between Ungersheim and Fessenheim, France: 16.87 km) at 16.87 km
Untermünstertal, Germany (distance between Untermunstertal, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 19.86 km) at 19.86 km
Urschenheim (distance between Urschenheim and Fessenheim, France: 19.10 km) at 19.10 km
Vogelgrun (distance between Vogelgrun and Fessenheim, France: 10.92 km) at 10.92 km
Vogelsheim (distance between Vogelsheim and Fessenheim, France: 11.09 km) at 11.09 km
Volgelsheim (distance between Volgelsheim and Fessenheim, France: 10.90 km) at 10.90 km
Wasen, Germany (distance between Wasen, Germany and Fessenheim, France: 19.86 km) at 19.86 km
Weckolsheim (distance between Weckolsheim and Fessenheim, France: 9.78 km) at 9.78 km
Widensohlen (distance between Widensohlen and Fessenheim, France: 16.73 km) at 16.73 km
Widensolen (distance between Widensolen and Fessenheim, France: 16.73 km) at 16.73 km
Wittenheim (distance between Wittenheim and Fessenheim, France: 19.28 km) at 19.28 km
Wolfgantzen (distance between Wolfgantzen and Fessenheim, France: 12.50 km) at 12.50 km

Recommended service providers in Fessenheim, France

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Tips for Flying > Before departure

Food and drinks on the plane: One of the most important "features" of low cost flights is that the airlines do not offer free food and drinks on the plane. Food and drinks are sold on board, but they are quite expensive. If you travel on a low budget you should take some sandwiches from home. But remember that you cannot carry any liquids in your hand luggage past the security check!