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Closest Airport to Brunswick, Germany

Closest Airport to Brunswick, Germany

Braunschweig at 11.36 km.   See all flights from Braunschweig 0 flights
Hannover Hauptbahnhof at 55.22 km.   See all flights from Hannover Hauptbahnhof 49 flights
Hannover at 61.57 km.   See all flights from Hannover 524 flights
Cochstedt at 75.89 km.   See all flights from Cochstedt 0 flights
Kassel-Calden at 124.44 km.   See all flights from Kassel-Calden 6 flights
Erfurt at 146.19 km.   See all flights from Erfurt 17 flights
LATAM operates 164 flights in the Brunswick, Germany area Aeromexico operates 140 flights in the Brunswick, Germany area Vueling operates 64 flights in the Brunswick, Germany area Eurowings operates 51 flights in the Brunswick, Germany area Aegean Airlines operates 47 flights in the Brunswick, Germany area Pegasus operates 28 flights in the Brunswick, Germany area

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Cities near Brunswick, Germany

Adenbuttel (distance between Adenbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 14.16 km) at 14.16 km
Adenstedt (distance between Adenstedt and Brunswick, Germany: 25.04 km) at 25.04 km
Barum (distance between Barum and Brunswick, Germany: 18.04 km) at 18.04 km
Bechtbuettel (distance between Bechtbuettel and Brunswick, Germany: 7.41 km) at 7.41 km
Bevenrode (distance between Bevenrode and Brunswick, Germany: 8.16 km) at 8.16 km
Bodenstedt (distance between Bodenstedt and Brunswick, Germany: 14.13 km) at 14.13 km
Bortfeld (distance between Bortfeld and Brunswick, Germany: 9.80 km) at 9.80 km
Broitzem (distance between Broitzem and Brunswick, Germany: 5.04 km) at 5.04 km
Bulten (distance between Bulten and Brunswick, Germany: 22.70 km) at 22.70 km
Börßum (distance between Borbum and Brunswick, Germany: 22.52 km) at 22.52 km
Calberlah (distance between Calberlah and Brunswick, Germany: 17.63 km) at 17.63 km
Cramme (distance between Cramme and Brunswick, Germany: 17.64 km) at 17.64 km
Cremlingen (distance between Cremlingen and Brunswick, Germany: 8.16 km) at 8.16 km
Denstorf (distance between Denstorf and Brunswick, Germany: 8.16 km) at 8.16 km
Destedt (distance between Destedt and Brunswick, Germany: 12.63 km) at 12.63 km
Dettum (distance between Dettum and Brunswick, Germany: 13.00 km) at 13.00 km
Didderse (distance between Didderse and Brunswick, Germany: 15.83 km) at 15.83 km
Dorstadt (distance between Dorstadt and Brunswick, Germany: 18.69 km) at 18.69 km
Edemissen (distance between Edemissen and Brunswick, Germany: 22.30 km) at 22.30 km
Eilum (distance between Eilum and Brunswick, Germany: 17.60 km) at 17.60 km
Erkerode (distance between Erkerode and Brunswick, Germany: 13.68 km) at 13.68 km
Essenrode (distance between Essenrode and Brunswick, Germany: 13.04 km) at 13.04 km
Evessen (distance between Evessen and Brunswick, Germany: 15.57 km) at 15.57 km
Flothe (distance between Flothe and Brunswick, Germany: 20.70 km) at 20.70 km
Gifhorn (distance between Gifhorn and Brunswick, Germany: 24.13 km) at 24.13 km
Grassel (distance between Grassel and Brunswick, Germany: 9.88 km) at 9.88 km
Gravenhorst (distance between Gravenhorst and Brunswick, Germany: 15.01 km) at 15.01 km
Grob Biewende (distance between Grob Biewende and Brunswick, Germany: 19.77 km) at 19.77 km
Grob Elbe (distance between Grob Elbe and Brunswick, Germany: 25.21 km) at 25.21 km
Grob Vahlberg (distance between Grob Vahlberg and Brunswick, Germany: 17.26 km) at 17.26 km
Groß Denkte (distance between Grob Denkte and Brunswick, Germany: 14.18 km) at 14.18 km
Groß Schwülper (distance between Grob Schwulper and Brunswick, Germany: 11.50 km) at 11.50 km
Handorf (distance between Handorf and Brunswick, Germany: 22.77 km) at 22.77 km
Hedeper (distance between Hedeper and Brunswick, Germany: 24.50 km) at 24.50 km
Hemkenrode (distance between Hemkenrode and Brunswick, Germany: 13.04 km) at 13.04 km
Hoheneggelsen (distance between Hoheneggelsen and Brunswick, Germany: 24.49 km) at 24.49 km
Hotzum (distance between Hotzum and Brunswick, Germany: 8.80 km) at 8.80 km
Ilsede (distance between Ilsede and Brunswick, Germany: 22.70 km) at 22.70 km
Isenbüttel (distance between Isenbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 18.92 km) at 18.92 km
Jelpke (distance between Jelpke and Brunswick, Germany: 15.21 km) at 15.21 km
Kissenbrück (distance between Kissenbruck and Brunswick, Germany: 17.04 km) at 17.04 km
Klein Denkte (distance between Klein Denkte and Brunswick, Germany: 13.76 km) at 13.76 km
Kneitlingen (distance between Kneitlingen and Brunswick, Germany: 18.42 km) at 18.42 km
Königslutter (distance between Konigslutter and Brunswick, Germany: 19.40 km) at 19.40 km
Königslutter Am Elm (distance between Konigslutter Am Elm and Brunswick, Germany: 19.40 km) at 19.40 km
Lahstedt (distance between Lahstedt and Brunswick, Germany: 21.65 km) at 21.65 km
Lebenstedt (distance between Lebenstedt and Brunswick, Germany: 18.84 km) at 18.84 km
Lehre (distance between Lehre and Brunswick, Germany: 11.72 km) at 11.72 km
Leiferde (distance between Leiferde and Brunswick, Germany: 5.68 km) at 5.68 km
Lengede (distance between Lengede and Brunswick, Germany: 17.55 km) at 17.55 km
Lucklum (distance between Lucklum and Brunswick, Germany: 12.65 km) at 12.65 km
Meine (distance between Meine and Brunswick, Germany: 12.98 km) at 12.98 km
Morse (distance between Morse and Brunswick, Germany: 18.80 km) at 18.80 km
Neindorf (distance between Neindorf and Brunswick, Germany: 15.23 km) at 15.23 km
Neubruck (distance between Neubruck and Brunswick, Germany: 13.67 km) at 13.67 km
Neuerkerode (distance between Neuerkerode and Brunswick, Germany: 10.66 km) at 10.66 km
Oberg (distance between Oberg and Brunswick, Germany: 19.39 km) at 19.39 km
Ohlendorf (distance between Ohlendorf and Brunswick, Germany: 22.97 km) at 22.97 km
Ohof (distance between Ohof and Brunswick, Germany: 25.16 km) at 25.16 km
Ohrum (distance between Ohrum and Brunswick, Germany: 14.85 km) at 14.85 km
Oslob (distance between Oslob and Brunswick, Germany: 24.48 km) at 24.48 km
Peine (distance between Peine and Brunswick, Germany: 21.17 km) at 21.17 km
Rautenberg (distance between Rautenberg and Brunswick, Germany: 23.01 km) at 23.01 km
Ribbesbüttel (distance between Ribbesbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 18.58 km) at 18.58 km
Rolfsbüttel (distance between Rolfsbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 16.82 km) at 16.82 km
Salzgitter (distance between Salzgitter and Brunswick, Germany: 24.56 km) at 24.56 km
Sambleben (distance between Sambleben and Brunswick, Germany: 20.36 km) at 20.36 km
Sandkamp (distance between Sandkamp and Brunswick, Germany: 23.68 km) at 23.68 km
Schandelah (distance between Schandelah and Brunswick, Germany: 11.35 km) at 11.35 km
Schapen (distance between Schapen and Brunswick, Germany: 4.90 km) at 4.90 km
Schöppenstedt (distance between Schoppenstedt and Brunswick, Germany: 22.61 km) at 22.61 km
Semmenstedt (distance between Semmenstedt and Brunswick, Germany: 21.76 km) at 21.76 km
Sickte (distance between Sickte and Brunswick, Germany: 9.71 km) at 9.71 km
Sottmar (distance between Sottmar and Brunswick, Germany: 15.90 km) at 15.90 km
Steterburg (distance between Steterburg and Brunswick, Germany: 8.70 km) at 8.70 km
Söhlde (distance between Sohlde and Brunswick, Germany: 21.76 km) at 21.76 km
Thiede (distance between Thiede and Brunswick, Germany: 9.89 km) at 9.89 km
Uehrde (distance between Uehrde and Brunswick, Germany: 24.45 km) at 24.45 km
Vahlberg (distance between Vahlberg and Brunswick, Germany: 19.42 km) at 19.42 km
Vallstedt (distance between Vallstedt and Brunswick, Germany: 11.95 km) at 11.95 km
Vechelde (distance between Vechelde and Brunswick, Germany: 10.22 km) at 10.22 km
Veltheim (distance between Veltheim and Brunswick, Germany: 10.88 km) at 10.88 km
Vordorf (distance between Vordorf and Brunswick, Germany: 11.13 km) at 11.13 km
Wahle (distance between Wahle and Brunswick, Germany: 11.35 km) at 11.35 km
Warmbuttel (distance between Warmbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 15.22 km) at 15.22 km
Warxbuttel (distance between Warxbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 13.04 km) at 13.04 km
Wasbüttel (distance between Wasbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 17.30 km) at 17.30 km
Weddel (distance between Weddel and Brunswick, Germany: 5.68 km) at 5.68 km
Wedelheine (distance between Wedelheine and Brunswick, Germany: 13.42 km) at 13.42 km
Wedesbuttel (distance between Wedesbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 13.42 km) at 13.42 km
Weferlingen (distance between Weferlingen and Brunswick, Germany: 15.91 km) at 15.91 km
Wendeburg (distance between Wendeburg and Brunswick, Germany: 11.72 km) at 11.72 km
Werlaburgdorf (distance between Werlaburgdorf and Brunswick, Germany: 24.12 km) at 24.12 km
Wetzleben (distance between Wetzleben and Brunswick, Germany: 25.54 km) at 25.54 km
Weyhausen (distance between Weyhausen and Brunswick, Germany: 25.51 km) at 25.51 km
Wittmar (distance between Wittmar and Brunswick, Germany: 16.34 km) at 16.34 km
Wolfenbüttel (distance between Wolfenbuttel and Brunswick, Germany: 11.19 km) at 11.19 km

Recommended service providers in Brunswick, Germany

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

Book well in advance: The cheapest tickets sell first. The policy of lowcost airlines is to sell cheap tickets at first and to gradually increase the price as tickets are bought. Usually, if you buy your ticket 2-3 months in advance, you will probably get the best price.